Ummm I if the 40gb version didn't then the 80gb or 160 gb version do not either. lol Chrome was only on the 60gb version of the PS3 I think...
kamerad's forum posts
80gb, the 160gb and 80gbs right now atleast the ones you find on shelf are the same thing. Literally.
The older 80gbs if you're lucky enough to find one had Backwords compatability but oddly since PS2s are a dime a dozen now, most people look at the extra cost for the backwords compatability PS3s in the past and would rather just buy a new or used PS2 and then a cheaper PS3. Basically the newer 80gb and 160gb PS3s though cheaper are less bang than they used to be, but are still more of a bang for your buck than some of the 360s. If you really want the 160gb harddrive go ahead, but you'd be better off with the 80gb version since you can always cough up a bit of cash to buy a far larger harddrive and slap it into the PS3 for a fraction of the cost it does to do the same for the XBox 360.
I have a first Generation 60gb PS3, being able to play PS2/PS1 games I found a must at the time so I was willing to waste the extra cash I had laying around for one. Glad for my purchase as well, though I still play PC games more and only a hand full of PS3 games that come out now and then that I'm willing to buy since most the games seem to be sports/shooters and I don't like either these days. hehe Last good game I bought was last fall and it was Valkyria Chronciles and oh my was it worth buying I would of paid double the price of that game for that game I loved it that much. lol
I spent over 700dollars since i paid an extra 20 for a year long guarantee rather than 90 days.
Also the PS3 is a fine machine. It only over heats if I put it in a closed space, something i was suprised as even my PC gets hotter than my PS3 in open air and the PS3 has much more power than my PC. Only complaint I have with the PS3 is the lack of memory cards. I understand the harddrive makes it pointless, but heck I liked memory cards, take a game and saved file to a friends house and have fun without having to drag the whole system with me. I feel that the new age systems are total disapointments, rather than making them powerful but yet simple they go for over complications, like wireless ability, neat disktrays that just suck disk in inted of the cheap but reliable pop tops of the PS1, Dreamcast and Gamecube.
They are kind of just over complicated, I mean so many useless features that only the most dieheart gamers will use. Heck I don't even care for wireless controllers. I still like the power of the cord, always 100% reliable, no batteries or wasting time rechargeing. lol
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