kamuix's forum posts
PSN ID: Kamui_Kira
Games i own:
MGS4 CoD4 Resistance Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Super Stardust Hd, Devil may Cry 4, Eye of judgment( havent played it tho got it for the camera) Assassins creed Rainbow 6 some other stuff cant think of it right now tho.
id like to have a group of ppl to game with regularly
Has anyone made the move from component cables to hdmi? If so does it improve picture quality? Can you reccommend an hdmi cable i should get?
I personally am pissed. I dontcare much that Sony lostthe franchise....and it wouldnt even bother me if the game was released on 360 instead asan exclusive...but WII...come on man, i wanted to kill rathalos in Hi-def. Instead this game will improve in no way...the controls will be gimmicky, outdated graphics...the online support...Monster hunterwas all about community and having fun killing wyverns with friends. HOw are you supposed to play and communicate quickly when ur swinging the wii mote around. Im not a fanboy in any sense and have been a Ninty fan since i was 5 years old but in my opinion Capcom F^ and the wii is a sad piece of hardware but thats just my opinion
Well first of all, what games stand out?(as of whats released now) The only games i have in mind are Ninja Gaiden and Heavenly Sword(any other suggestions)
Second of all which "version should I get" mind you I want a console that has wifi and has backward compatibiliy.
WHat makes PSN so different from XBOX live?
what makes it better?
WHat games does psn have for download that are worht buying?
What games are good online?
So if you can answer these questions id appreciate it. This is because I loved the PS2 and PS1, but still shaky about getting a PS3:?
im not gonna answer the games question...theres a whole page on gamespot dedicated to showing info on ps3 games.
PSN is free and while its not as advanced as live it will get there very soon with system updates.
i dont really buy downloadable games but theres alot of em maybe somebody else will answer for you.
Rainbow 6 vegas, warhawk, resistance,motorstorm
I was shaky about it to because i had an xbox360, but after the second rrod i got a ps3 and have not regreted it yet.
Im a fun loving guy very modest, like walks on the beach, candle light dinn.....oops wrong website....add me i got a mic, playin rainbow 6 warhawk and resistance i guess if i find cool ppl to play with. i currently have 3 ppl on my friendslist that actually communicate
heres an idea...If you wanna play ps2 games.......buy a ps2? If you want to play next gen games buy a ps3. Honestly i know alot of people wanted the 60 gig to drop to $399 but this is business. While some will say Sony doesnt care about what the consumers want, it makes no sense financially to drop the price of the 60 to 399 at this point for sony. Just like you might think its not afinancially smartchoice to spend 499 on a console its not in their best interest to sell it for 399 at this point. I also think that even if sony kept the BC in, the media and fanboys would find something wrong to say about it.
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