- Kaname91’s Activity
with those changes no wonder why they would be so angry, I have seen this serie since I was less that ten years old and I would be pretty dissapointed if it has those changes, In my mother-language th...
Nakamura was in okami, no wonder why she is a good dev, also super adorable and kawaiii (◕ω◕✿)
I still love to have my physical copies of my favorite games and I will keep them, also consoles are pretty and pieces of art
@Tekarukite: but only after sony said no
I just hope they dont try again mandatory internet conection to play and all those other horrible things like last time, that is precicely the reason why I will always be grateful to sony for not fol...
@Thanatos2k: surely it does
@alastor529: :'D
LMAO, just why!?, at least I know it will be a collection item, poor Seamus Blackley
I will wait again for the slim version
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