Yeah, incomplete for sure. For example, where do I buy the Heat thingys for Chief engineer Adams?? Been all over the Citadel a dozen times. No place to buy upgrades for the Normandy.
" I think Bioware should just change their name to EA, a greedy company that doesn't give two rats about the gaming industry or it's gamers.. They sold their soul. I've noticed they've opened the door of pandora's box, consisting of half written games, dlc, and advertisements that force the gamer to receive items through pre-orders and online sign-ups for items... Lets boycott this crap!!!" I've said the exact same thing several times. Half finished games and DLC is nothing more than a blatant rip-off of gamers money. The developer above mentions the legacy of BG2. Sure, that was back in the days when Bioware actually made an epic game. DAO was great. DA2 is not. A "personalized story" is a great idea but the story is flawed and shallow to the point of, nobody really cares about the main character. You don't even know what the main plot of the story is. You fight bads guys, fulfill quests, kill bosses then all of a sudden the game is over. Is that it?? No epic overall story line? Kind of defeats the purpose of a ROLE playing game doesn't it? More and more Bioware seems to be dropping the ball. No KOTOR3 to complete the trilogy, DA2 isn't what we expected, Neverwinter NIghts 2 was awesome, but Mask of the Betrayer was a disappointment and Storm of Zehir was just stupid. In fact, the only sequel that Bioware has made that I actually thought was a great game was Mass Effect 2. That probably means that ME3 will suck. Don't know that I trust them anymore.
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