I'm having once again trouble sleeping. It's nothing new when it comes to me but it annoys me to no end. I usually walk around like one of those zombies from resident evil (arhhhh... let me bite you... ) and soon it will be a week of women boo boos again. Oh joy.... if there is any reason why I wouldn't like being female it would be this. Thank goodness I have a nice supply of mangas and gba games to keep be busy through the night.
I miss my mom and my brother. I haven't seen them in years. I'll be happy to go back to japan at the end of next year to be with them for a while. I'm planning on talking my manga to several companies in Japan and see if anyone can publish it. Yaoi is very popular now so I think my chances are good in japan. It's breaking into the states and other countries that will be hard. I have a big fanbase but I'm going have to keep up my hard work to keep my fans happy ( as soon as some one starts editing my stuff). I think the only bad thing about going back would be the fact that I won't be with my honey for months. After several years of being together I'm going to miss him like crazy. I'll see him again soon enfough . It's only for a few months.