the link below is one to a site where it vs the ps3 and xbox 360
on this site it shows the 360 to be far supperior but because of the way i felt about the original xbox has helped make my decison
the link below is one to a site where it vs the ps3 and xbox 360
on this site it shows the 360 to be far supperior but because of the way i felt about the original xbox has helped make my decison
wondering what to get im not sure about waiting for ps3 considering getting a wii aswell looks **** hot lol
the 360 is good console i play my friends alot
but the ps3 should be better than xbox in my opinon the ps2 was far better than the xbox and was just a little not so good as the 360 i think the ps3 after a few months will blow the 360 away tho but from things im reading it dosent look like it
thought this is one of the best games i have played a far too short though i would defo like to see a gun 2
but i read somewhere that theres not gonna be
the games im playing just now are ok but i dont compare to gun or any the grand thefts i might buy scareface at the weekend looks a bit like vice city tho
games im playing now
eternal darkness (gc) ( difficult very difficult)
super mario sunshine (gc) ( it kinda get boring after a while)
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