kate_214 / Member

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Raiden is a sellout!

raiden from metal gear solid is a sellout and let me tell you why, oh by the way the pic below is raiden


ok so all the metal gear solid games have bin on playstation(only talking metal gear solid not metal gear)

mgs1(ps1) mgs3(ps2) mgs4(ps3) all staring snake all on playstation, then when metal gear solid 2 came out it was on all the systems and stared raiden, and now the new one metal gear rising is coming out on every system also staring raiden, so his games are on all the systems every chance he gets=sellout hehe. i actualy like raiden , and not many mgs fans do, every one said hes like a girl and the funny thing about that is in mgs4 they gave him long fingernails and highheals maybe they listen to there fans hahaha and for refrence or you dont know what im talking about heres a pic of raiden now

hopefully you can clearly see the nails and highheals in this pic hehehe , thank you for reading!

raiden and his sword
