I am really annoyed with the Sci-Fi channel. They have severe brain damage over in their scheduling department.
Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis are second only to Battlestar Galactica in terms of revenue for the channel, yet they are making us have a SIX MONTH BREAK between the cliff hangers of episodes 10 and 11. WHY? So they can run BSG's third season uninterrupted.
OK, BSG is cool, but not that cool. If they want to run the series uninterrupted, fine. Just don't delay the Stargates! They're all worried because viewership is down. Well, here are a few ideas:
1) stop changing the time for the 'Gates!
2) run BSG along side the 'Gates like you did last season
3) remember Farscape, jerks.
Seriously. Sci-Fi fans are a fickle bunch. You mess with our series and we'll mess with yours. Steven Spielberg's Taken, anyone? HA!
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