Seriously? I heard this on the radio and had to come on here to check. Believe it or not, I'm one of the people out there who does not have internet at home. I go to coffee shops and stuff to use the net. I have an Xbox 360 and it hasn't been connected to the internet since I finished school, but I still play it because I can buy games and not need to connect online. I was really looking forward to see what new stuff they were bringing to the new console. I guess I wont be getting the Xbox One now though.
"Lothos_Delion Posted Dec 1, 2009 2:28 pm PT I mean I think its good for the story but beyond that games are just that games. Not to be taken seriously or considered to be anything more than they are." At the risk of sounding crazy: not all games are just games. There are serval I like to think of as electronic art. They are intricate designs with epic stories, grand musical compositions, and many moral questions that are meant to make you think. Video games are a modern medium. Like many genre books, a lot of them are purely for entertainment, but you can do more. Many games are developed for at least 3+ years before they're put out on the market. Thousands of dollars and hundreds of people spend those years trying to make that singular game the best it can be. I'm not saying there are several LOTR or Dune out there in the gaming world, but I'd hardly say all games are simply entertainments that shouldn't be given any serious thought.
Hey look! I chose the right machine to play on! lol, actually I figured the NwN similar game play would be easiest to control on the PC. But I'm not surprised at the graphic comparison, PC almost aways have slightly better graphics and shorter loading screens. I mean have you ever compared ME loading screen time on the 360 to the same one on the PC? There's a notable difference and going back to older games gets even worse.
Yes, the graphics are different, but seriously not that much. They certainly aren't different enough to make me pick one console over the other. Price and variety of games is what made me go for the 360 when it came down to buying. When the next generations come out, it will be the same thing.
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