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GTA 4 the amazing!!!!

Holy **** GTA 4 is probably the best game ever made, if not the best, its definitely up there. Everything about it is amazing, its big, epic, fun, and seamingly endless. There is so much to do in the world of Liberty City, and all of the missions are actually fun this time around.

Man, I got to cut this post short because I got to get back to some GTA. All I can say is this is my favorite GTA yet and you should deffinitly go buy it, don't hesitate. Also, I have the PS3 version and my friends all got the 360 version, they are both the same, but if you have had doubts about the PS3 version technically and online, don't, its absolutely fine, but there is a 3.4 gig install, but that is nothing if you got a 40, 60, 80, or custom hard drive.

Until next time, Piece!!!

My Thoughts on April Fools.

Well, today is April 2nd and of course as we all know yesterday was April Fools day and I got to tell you, I really think April fools day is retarded, I don't like anything about it. Well, there are many people doing really stupid and obvious things at school, along with some really bad acting, this one kid that no one likes decided it would be funny to put Ketchup on his hand and act like he cut himself, the only problem is...No one likes him, infact everyone hates him, and he did the worst acting ever, he was holding some scissors and he just said "Oh no, I cut myself...Look I'm bleeding" And that was said with absolutly no emotion, no one even knew what he was doing until he finally held up his hand and we saw a bunch of thick red stuff on it, which just made us laugh because we knew it was one of two things, he just did the worst april fools joke in history, or he really cut himself and he is indeed bleeding.

Ok, now on to my big point, This is why I really hate April fools. Their are so many stupid people on the Internet, and absolutly all the gaming sites do april fools jokes and pretty much all of them are super obvious, for instance, there was the Microsoft ad about a MC virtual helmet and a throwback 360, well, it said April fools in it and second of all, all the things on it were so horrible you just laughed and immediatly knew it was a joke, but then I go to school the next day, and just as I expected, there are a couple of nerds talking about the new MC virtual helmet and the throw back 360 and they are totally oblivious to the fact that it was an april fools joke, so of course I tell them it was just and joke and they come back at me and say "no it wasnt, I got it in my E-mail from Microsoft."

And of course, an even bigger hoax that had many questioning if it was a joke or not (Which I knew it was a joke immediatly) Was the 'new trailer for zelda the movie' and it was a pretty well done trailer except for the fact that is look absolutly rediculous to me, I just thought it was the worst looking thing ever, I would be expecting much much better from a real zelda movie, and the fact that this was up on april 1st and was going to be in theaters on April 1st 2009, that was a dead giveaway, I mean, to me the trailer looked like a Fiddler on the roof movie to me. But of course, I goto school the next day and people are freaking out about the "new zelda movie" and they are like "Dude, it looks so freaking amazing" and I of course have to go up and tell them that it was fake and it was an april fools joke, they already posted it on the page, and they of course attack back at me by saying "No man, its real, dude its on IGN, its on the main page, its real." But I of course showed them the page and showed them the message and they had to eat it and say "Dude that sucks" but they still thought the trailer looked awesome, I thought it look retarded.

This is why I hate April fools day and this is why Gameing related websites need to stop doing april fools jokes, its very irratating and I think for now on I'm going to avoid all game sites on april first for now on, except GS because they set theirs up perfectly where you click on the whole page and it goes to the real main page and says it was a joke, and all the stuff they put were mostly funny and stuff you wouldnt even care about.

Well, thats the end of this post for me, later.