kazaa61 / Member

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I got a Hamster yestoday!!

Hi guys i wanned to tell that i got an hamster yestoday its a dwerghamster( i don't know to translate that in english)

anywho the reason why i coudn't write it yestoday was that i reached my damn internet limits(AGAIN!)

And my hamster is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute its 4month old(thats what the seller told me)

Its my first real animal i got,i had befor that seamonkey's but thats not the same as a real animal like a dog or cat...

Well now i also do got some probs with my hamster and thats that i'am affrid to feed it alot and let it die:(

i hope mybe some of you out there can explain me how to feed them. i puted food on ameduim- spoon then in its thing(where it eats) i hope i'am doing good sofar so good.

Bye all:)