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fast and furious shooters

Hey im a recent ut2004 fan, i owned every unrealtournament game and 2004 is the best every, there are so many options, not to mention mods out there. this game has the longest shelf life every you could play this game and its mods clear into next year and the following year. its like half-life were it rides on it's own grateness and the greatness of the mods concieved for it. another game to keep your eye on in the way of mods, far cry, with a graphics engine like that i think there is so much potential. Has any one here played the new tribes, well i've had my fingers in it for a while and i can't tell any details except its good. it looks great for being in beta, the last beta build i played before tribes was joint ops and that was painful, were as tribes is a pleasure, i only had one minor problem with it, and that was a minor problem, problably just my different taste since i'm not an old school tribes junkie, but this game could blow ut2004 out of the water if they play thier cards strait. the graphics are good-great, the gamplay paceing is perfect the weapons kick ass, just wish there were more of them, vihicles kick ass, yeah all in all , it looks spectacular, but then again this is only the beta build and it can only get better, yipee. till next time, bye.