half-life 2
by kaziechameleon on Comments
ok i'll tell ya i've been playing some halflife 1, and it's a great game, my problem, with it is its only a different take on the formula that quake 2 put down. now that being said, this game has fantastic atention to detail, and wonderful AI, these elements are seamlessly weaved together to achieve a fantastic level of story telling. the game is great, simpl put. now i have had problem with glitches like certain scripted events not happening, and haveing to start the game from scratch because i didn't have a emergency savepoint in the earlier part of the game, but technical issues asside, the game is something to strive for, the AI allone makes this game a technical benchmark. these guys are so tough they flank they sneak takeing on two or three at a time in a large room can sometimes seem impossible, they use cat a mouse tactics takeing pot shots at you to draw your atention while simotaneously i'm getting flanked. the AI is so freaking great, its like playing other players, sometimes they'll charge when the opertunity arrises, sometimes they'll hide, yes it wasn't a scripting error this one guy shot at me then he hid behind a box, i waited, looked around then ran at his last know position, got there, could find him, then out of the shadow he can and distroyed me. the only problem with such good AI is you end up dieing alot. and there isn't that much sripting involved with the AI so there is no trial and error way to play, as with some games, like ghost recon. this game is truely challengeing. alot of people won't like halflife because of the adventure/problem solveing aspect of the game, one has to figure things out for themselves, and talk to the ocassional npc. at first i didn't like this because it made the game take alot longer, and i often didn't know what to do. but once you learn how to think this style of objective free play really lends to keeping you in the experience, you are not playing, but experienceing, this concept is also completly revolutionary. the funny thing is that these great aspects of this game have never been properly duplicated or copied, that is until now. with half-life 2 impending i'm getting really pissed, really pissed with vivendi first, and really angry that teamfortress two, and day of defeat source are't being released with the collectors edition halflife2. they only way to get day of defeat source, is to buy halflife 2 through steam, something that really makes me angry. why is valve being so stupid. i want a hard copy of day of defeat, and i want it now. gosh that stupidness asside. halflife2 looks amazing, better in many ways than doom3, and in someways not nearly as good. i beleive the amazeing atention to detail regarding the charecters is far superior than doom, they look not just graphicly superb, but real. in regards to the enviroments, they look wonderful, but they also in places look like they have a low poly count, like how some stuff has really crisp edges, that are unrealisticly sharp looking, without any natural wear and tear present, and this sticks out in a urban waist land. the art design for this project looks first rate, the stroy line that i have pieced together in my head is rather spectacular and sound like it deserves the title of halflife2. animation looks first rate, and last but not least physics looks to be so awsome, with totaly distructable enviroments in place this game should be as open ended as farcry but ten times better. sorry farcry, i love you i do, but my love for you is like that of my bastard child compared to my love of what i imagine as halflife2, now all the guys at valve have to do is deliver on their promises and i'll be blown away, if they suprise me, then this game will be the best thing to happen to gameing since, pong or doom 1.