rome vs. well all the upcoming rts games
by kaziechameleon on Comments
rome total war seems to be the stuff these days after checking out the reader review section i discoered that this has to have the best reader reviews of any game ever. not one score below 9. wow, even halflife had critics. this game must really rock, good thing i'll finaly have a rig that can handle it. is there anything that can knock this game from it's throne in the near future, well the only thing that comes to mind is battle for middle earth, with interactive enviroments and awsome animations and not quite as repetetive unit models and animations, the gameplay footage i've seen so far really gives the impression of a liveing greathing world with massive trolls and all the extra trimmings this game looks to be the all out best fantasy game every, beating out warcraft three, note:blizzard needs to focus its efforts on a new rts game. it isn't going anywere with wow, common. something i didn't get a good feel for is the mutliplayer component of this massive game, how does base building work, well for now i enjoy rise of nations till later peace out and go rts games