Almost there, WOO HOO!!
1A. What movie am I from??
1B. What did we steal that can't be stolen??
1C. Why am I so happy to see stairs??
1D. Whats the one thing Riley knew that Ben or Abigail did not??
2A. What movie am I from??
2B. What are my favorite little creatures??
2C. What Bureau am I apart of??
2D. Who do I love??
3A. What movie am I from??
3B. How many main stories are told in the film??
3C. Who is yellow bastard after??
3D. How does Jackie Boy die??
4A. What movie am I from?? (hint could be any one of the three)
4B. Why are they trying to give mutants shots in the third movie??
4C. How does magneto escape from jail in the second movie??
4D. Whos the first mutant Logan stumbles across in the first movie??
Enjoy!! :)