Woo Hoo Lucky Number 7!!!! And its all 80's!!! :):):)
1A. What movie am I from??
1B. Why do I need Cameron to come pick me up??
1C. What song do I sing on a float??
1D. What king am I??
2A. What Movie am I from??
2B. What is Brian in Detention for??
2C. What special talent does Claire have??
2D. Who's wardrobe does Bender say Vernon raided??
3A. What movie are we from??
3B. Ten points to anyone that can name the BEST line from this movie(hint its when they are on the subway)??
3C. What magazine does everyone think Chris is from??
3D. Who is Sarah's hero??
4A. What movie am I from??
4B. Why do I want two dollars??
4C. Why does Lane keep trying to kill himself??
4D. What does Lane get for christmas from his mom??
5A. What movie am I from??
5B. Who is my Owner and What is my name??
5C. What kind of creature is my owner??
5D. What is the name of the Evil Creatures that rule our world??
6A. What movie am I from??
6B. What is my name??
6C. What is sarah looking for??
6D. What is the most important line from this movie?? The line sarah uses to beat jared??
7A. What movie am I from??
7B. Name one way they try to get rid of me??
7C. Whos plays Ty in the movie??
7D. Who says "So I got that going for me, which is nice." ??