When the Wii came out i was lucky enough to get a system fairly easily - called a target store, played dumb, found whn a shipment was going to be delievered, gut up at about 4:00 am and after a few hours of waiting I had the system. I had played the system briefly at a buddies and was instantly interested.
Of all possibilities that went along with the Wii, the thought of playing golf at home was probably what had me waiting at that Target Store a couple of years ago. The first try was Super Swing Golf. An Average, cartoon based game that didn't really fill that golf at home void i was looking for.
Next up was Tiger Woods, A birthday gift that came right around the same time that I was into Mario Galaxy, as well as Rayman and those rude little bunnies. Regardless, Tiger Woods set gathering dust after a few initial plays were finished in which i determined, it just was not that fun.
Fast forward 2 years, Tiger gets another try before going out to the bar that night. A much different game than i remembered. Perhaps we were just ready to look at it in a different light, or perhaps we finally gave it the time it needed to truly get into the game. Regardless the game is great. It is golf at home.
It is a great one player game with career modes and challenges that are difficult enough to make things interesting, but easy enough to get into easily. The multiplayer mode is also great. Why pay to play Golden Tee at the bad when you can stay home and play tiger for free. (Ok, so we usually make it to the bar later, but this is a great way to start.)
It isn't like this is a shocking post, because the gameconsistentlygets good reviews, and the series is a major money maker for EA. Instead this post is just their to remind us that gaming is sometimes a state of mind. What you are in the mood for. Sometimes you will find that a game is much better than you originally thought.
There is nothing better than when that happens.