Most everyone probably already knows where this post is going. After all there is no big debate what the greatest juice of all time is. If it is greatest drink then there is a debate. I mean beer is pretty important. I could even entertain the argument of water being a great drink. However, when it comes to juice there is only one champion and that of course is Hi-C Ecto Cooler.
Of course 99% of you are aware of this drink, but for the few out there who don't remember or haven't had the pleasure of drinking this great juice drink here is a little background.
The year was 1984 and to help promote the upcoming blockbuster Ghostbusters Hi-C created a juice drink that featured Slimer and was pretty much God's gift to the human taste buds. The movie was big as you may know, but the juice was even bigger. It was originally set to be around only during the popularity of the movie, but the taste was too great and Ecto Cooler lived on for nearly 20 years.
Near the end of its run I can imagine kids wondering who the hell the little green character on the front of the juice box they were so wholly enjoying was. I imagine the scene of a little boy asking his dad, "Who is this little green guy." The dad would probably answer with, "Why that is the greatest character to ever come from the movie Ghostbusters, any lesser character would not be put in charge of promoting the best juice of all time." The two would then probably enjoy a juice box and a hug in what would go down as the defining moment of their father / son relationship.
As time slips by and Ecto Cooler still isn't on the shelves of your local grocery store there are many average Ecto fans who are unaware of the sneaky marketing minds at Hi-C. These geniuses new it was time to get Slimer off the box, but you cannot get rid of the flavor that changed so many lives. Instead they changed the name. First it was called Shoutin' Orange Tangergreen. Slimer was replaced with a pair of gooey looking green lips; similar to what Slimer would have, but totally not as cool. Still the taste was the same and even the artificial food coloring was in place. (The drink is almost neon green.)
Sadly, this too was pulled from shelves and fans where left to sob into the inferior products that remained. Soon it was realized that the sneaky people at Hi-C again threw us all for a loop and again changed the name. Luckily for us you can still purchase Ecto Cooler under its hidden cover of a name - Crazy Citrus Cooler. The artificial coloring is gone and there is no trace of Slimer the character on the box, but the green color can be seen on the box and the same flavor that makes this the greatest juice in the world is in that little 6.75 ounce box.
This may be nothing more than a bold prediction, but at some point the creative juices in Hollywood will make the decision to redo or a make a new Ghostbusters movie and at that point there is no doubt in my mind that Ecto Cooler will make a triumphant return to the shelves and put all other juices to shame with its taste explosion.