...And it happened AGAIN!!!
by kdtfiles on Comments
First off. Sorry I haven't been on here in like a week... well longer than that. The stupid site hasn't let me log on. Love how each time there is an update on a site I get less and less access to it :roll:. --------------- Anyway. So last Tuesday recruiter told me (over the phone) that they had finally tracked down somone to run MEPS :D:D:D and it would be set for Monday the 21st and Tuesday the 22nd, but to call back on Friday to make sure nothing changed... On friday I was working out at the gym (going to go home and call recruiter after the workout, beings afternoon seemed to be the best time to get hold of him....) Anyway, when I was on the tredmill who do I see getting out of his car, the recruiter - in to sign up somoene with a membership to the gym. I asked him if things were still a go for next week (this week). He said it was a go, to call at 10am on Monday to check in, "We'd be leaving at between 2 to 2:30 pm" - same plan that had been set up the last 2 times. Early monday I call at 10am on the button... no answer, but left a vm to check in, figured he just didn't get to the phone. I had things to get done and was going to be downtown around 1:15 so I could just run in the office and check in with him in person - had to get to the bank to get my paperwork... Well... I tried to call again when I was at the bank (to make sure I got all the paperwork I needed....) again no answer... again not to worried, figured I'd just go across the street to the office and if I needed somehting else I could just walk back to the bank... BUT!!! when I walked down the hall to the office to go in the door... locked... see a tag on the door saying it would be closed from "Dec 21 - January 5th 2010" ?!?!?! :evil: WTF!!! It annoyed me, but... I figured he said we'd be leaving at 2-2:30 so maybe he'd just be out in the parking lot with the van... beings he said the 5 of us were going... so I start calling both numbers over and over left a couple vms just to make sure things were still happening with MEPS... no returned calls... So come 1:50 I get there and start waiting in the parking lot, calling over and over... by 3:30 not only am I pi$$ed off but I decided to go home, because obviously he wasn't going to show, nor answer his G-D phone :evil::evil::evil: So let's just say I've been rather MAD for a few days. As soon as the recruiting offices in Spokane open I'll be driving out there to try and find a new recruiter - yet to find any other recruiters within like 100 miles of here, so looks like the over 300 miles round trip drive I wanted to avoid is the route I'll be taking. Not to mention I'll be reporting him to his chain of command, he thinks I'll just let him jerk me around and delay my enlistment for over a month now... he's got another thing comeing. I've already been informed that the MOS I wanted won't be an option for me, unless I wait like 6months to a year. Because training slots for it are already full for the next two cycles :(. So now I have to come up with an alternative option - nothing I want as much as I wanted MP. So unless a new recruiter can get them to take in consideration that this recruiter delayed me - costing me the slot - I won't get it. It really ticks me off because I know I'd be able to score high enough on ASVAB to get it. Figure there are only 3 reasons he didn't show on Monday. 1 - It was cancled and he didn't bother calling me to tell me. 2 - The time was changed and he didn't bother calling me to tell me we would be leaving eairlier in the morning, so by the time I called at 10 they were already gone. 3 - he lied to me on Tuesday the week before because he didn't want me to call him everyday asking what the progress was, and he lied to my face on Friday that MEPS was happening at all - beings he knew full well the office would be closed and locked on Monday. HE NEVER MENTIONED ONCE BOTH TIMES I TALKED TO HIM THAT IT WOULD BE CLOSED, he made every indication that it would be open, he'd be there, and we'd have MEPS. So now I'm stuck for another few weeks, have to wait till I can get a new recruiter, will have to start all over with the paperwork (atleast I've got all my stuff gathered up so I won't have to wait a few days contacting my references again, or tracking down addresses), and have to figure out how to get in and out of town when we have 1 car and mom needs it for work - not to mention it is going to suck driving that far when there is no heat in the car, and we gotta have the engine worked on before it can be driven that far - taking it in on Monday to see how much it's gonna cost. ------------------------------------------ [color=green]Got gym membership for my birthday :) so it's one less thing to worry about. also got Bones s4, SV s8, and K XY s3 for Christmas. Gave mom new slippers and a couple movies (Night at the Musium 1+2, National Treasure 2, and a Leathal Weapon 1-4 combo pack) how I love the bargin bin at WalMart. we used part of her bonus to buy her a new DVD player (her old one sucked bad, wouldn't play any newer dvds without freezing, or messing up the picture) also got us a Metal Detector - we've wanted one for a few years and found a nice one, ON SALE :D, so it was like 1/4 the regular price. Tried it out at the sand dunes yesterday, but we only lasted like 20 min outside....toooooooooooo cold (25 degrees).[/color] ------------------------------------------- Other than that nothing going on. Job hunt is totally stalled out, no one is hiring. so that's all I have Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas/holiday. *hugs*