Today's Blog... Dark Fairy Tale project finals.
by kdtfiles on Comments
Was going to make today's blog longer, but I forgot my pic files :oops: and can't get into the other computer lab to get my backups. Anyway... So my stuff for the Dark Fairy Tale project nolonger looks like It now looks like These are some (crappy) renders of the textures. Didn't spend much time setting up the lights for them, yet. Next week I have to get real lighting done, so they can be put in the game and the game document. Also putting the finishing work on the Asylum stuff, will post that next week. "Booth3" is just a run of the mill shirt gift shop for the Emo band - will add more props to it later. But this is what is going into the game. "Booth2 AKA Firey Subject (play on words for Hot Topic :P )" Is where I spent most of my time this quarter. Making the props, then doing the textureing. On the opposite side is the vines with a skull where the blade is. I call him "Buddy". Liked Buddy so much I turned him into a shirt design. The Skull on this shirt is one of my old 3D things form like 10 years ago. "Booth1 AKA Big Bad Wolf's Meats" I didn't have much time to work on props for this one, but have plenty started. The textures on this one is rough because they are the files I left at home, so I just put on a quick one, just to give an idea of what the final one looks like. For a pig that just got slaughtered, he sure looks happy. So that's all of that, for tonight. --------------------------------------- School just keeps getting more messed up... Kevin - the Career Services guy - got fired on Friday. So that's now 8 that are gone. Although, his being fired was well deserved - unlike Robby who shouldn't have been. Kevin hadn't been doing his job in like a freaking year. He is supposed to help current and recent graduates find jobs, help with resumes and such, but has ignored emails and calls for months from them. So now yet again I am suck trying to figure out who I need to talk to to find my internship for next quarter :roll: ---------------------------------------- Saturday is going to be crazy busy for me. In the morning I need to go up to First Hill for the first day of shooting for the "Penny Candy" film project, going to be a crazy shoot. The project is being directed by one of the students here - this isn't any cheap "Student Film", Tim E. (Hollywood FX guy) has been helping on it, he wants it sent to Sundance when it is done, trust me it is going to be good. Started meetings and planning sessions on this thing for almost a year. Anyway, have to get there early to get the set done. The actors will be there by 10am. For the last two weekends we've done the promo shoots/cast photo shoots. I was at the first week one. Had the actress that plays the mom, the actor that plays the dad, and a baby and toddler to use as the younger versions of Penny in the photos to decorate the house with. This past weekend was with 14 teens who play the kids in the movie - thankfully I missed it because apparently it was a crazy shoot. Then... I'm supposed to go to David's party at 7PM over in Ballard almost an hour on the bus to and an hour back. Haven't fully decided if I want to go or not, depends on if it is going to be freaking cold again or not. ---------------------------------- New episodes!!!! Finally, there is going to be something to watch again :D:D:D:D Cold Case and Without A Trace are getting the ax :(:( ----------------------------------- Oh, and before I forget again. My stupid computer tried to crash AGAIN this morning :(:(:(:evil::evil: It did it to me last thursday night and I lost 2 days worth of work ( thankfully it was only 2 days and not the entire quarter's work ). I sure as heck don't need it to do it to me again!!! ----------------------------------- I guess that's enough for tonight. Gotta get home. *hugs*