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#1 keepereio
Member since 2003 • 391 Posts
I would buy a powerline ethernet adapter. They are really cheap now and amazing. thats the one I use and its just as fast for me as plugging the PS3 directly in the router.
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#2 keepereio
Member since 2003 • 391 Posts

The Darkness. Seriously.


yeah that game looked very good.

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#3 keepereio
Member since 2003 • 391 Posts
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#4 keepereio
Member since 2003 • 391 Posts

:lol: Why do Americans call it soccer? why not football, I mean in "Soccer" you do use your foot to kick the ball, hence football.


I've always wondered the some thign :? (And I live In canada, where it's called football).
THe only point you use your foot is the opening kick

field goals and punts also ;)

But thats it, shouldn't they just have named it something else?

As a huge football fan (real football, not american) I agree its real retarded, I spent a year in london for study abroad and now just call it football.

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#6 keepereio
Member since 2003 • 391 Posts
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#7 keepereio
Member since 2003 • 391 Posts
I have a macbook pro but its completly broken and they want 1000 to fix it... so I decided its time to get a new comp. I'm ona 2000 dollar budget and I wanna get a computer that can play the newer games. I was looking at the new dell xps m1530 laptop which has a core 2 duo 2.2 ghz, 3 gigs of ram, and a 8600M gt video card with 256 gddr 3 ram., would that be good enough to play some of the newer games, or should I get the xps desktop that has a quadcore 3.0 ghz, 3 gigs of ram and a 8800 gt 512. I really would rather get the laptop but not if it cant handle games like world in conflict or crysis.... any advice would be appreciated.
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#8 keepereio
Member since 2003 • 391 Posts

Are they waiting tell 2008 to do this. Im pretty sure they can afford to drop the price of the threre console.

Any ideas?


Corection sony dropped the price from 599 to 499 on one and 499 to 399 on the other, but also took things out of the console to make them cheaper. Microsoft dropped from 399 to 350 but added hdmi and two games with their console...pretty good deal if yo ask me.

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#9 keepereio
Member since 2003 • 391 Posts
think of a CO-OP puzzle game with infinite possibilites of creative puzzles. Thats teh appeal.
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#10 keepereio
Member since 2003 • 391 Posts

Although I think your post is amusing, I do think you're wrong. The waiting game is over. there is a game out there that seperates the PS3 from the rest of the pack and it's called Uncharted. GT says it's the best looking game on consoles easily. It's a very old argument that the PS3 does not have any games. It has lots of great games. You just have to open your eyes a little more.

One thing you guys don't realize is that any person picking up a PS3 as their first next-gen console will not be disappointed. Yeah, I could understand your point if you have owned an xbox360 and you are considering a PS3 purchase as there are currently 6 exlusive games on the PS3 that are worth playing which are Uncharted, R&C, Heavenly Sword, Resistance, Warhawk, and Motorstorm (this one is my favorite), but for new next-gen console owners the PS3 offers a lot of games. It has had a great first year IMO, and very soon we will see some new awesome games in 2008.


Uncharted, an 8 hour game, justifies the waiting for two years and $600? Okay.

it took me at least 10 hours to beat the game. 10 hours isn't bad and I will definitely replay the game on hard anyway. The game is so much fun and offers a great replay value. Plus, the game's features and what it does during the game if you have played it says a lot about what the PS3 can do IMO. You should see it and play it for yourself to believe it. The game is pure awesomeness all around and the physics in it are nothing short of amazing. The A.I. is as tough as they come and you have to constantly change your position to beat them (unlike Gears, where the A.I is as dump as they come). I could go on and on making a laundry list of why Uncharted has set the bar high. Not only it has some unseen graphics on a console before, but also the gameplay is great and the storyline is pretty good too. You should try to play it sometime if you could get your hands on it.

I guess what I am trying to say is that, Uncharted has shown me things I have not seen before. Just to give you and example. I am playing Gears on the PC right now. the character going up and down the stairs for instance dont' actually seem like they're taking the stairs, rather they glid on them up or down where Drake, in Uncharted, actually climbs the stairs and you will see him take the steps. I know this is a very small thing, but trust me the list goes on and on with the details that Uncharted offers not to mention the amazing visuals and gameplay ....etc. You really have to play it to believe it.

uncharted is decent, nothingtoo goodso far at least. Im stuck on that one part with the heart and the giant key you have to pull down, in the church looking thing. I pull down the key then have no idea where to go... any ideas? lol