1. Mario Kart 64- My first game ever. Will always have a place in my heart. 2.ChuChu Rocket- One the most underrated puzzle games ever. An amazingly fun and addicting game. Doesn't help that I got it sealed, new for 2 bucks at EB in 2004. 3.Mischief Makers(N64)- This is one of those games that back in the day I thought was terrible but I recently picked it up and I have to say I was wrong. I personaly have good memories of this. I rented it about 6 times when I was little. 4.Chaos Field(GC)- Made me wake up and realize that games are way to easy now. 5.Banjo-Kazooie(N64)- This game pissed me off a lot but it was still an amazing fun game. But I still remember that my friend borrowed it and erased my save that was at the last boss. Still haven't beaten it.
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