kekejefferis' forum posts
Tough one to choose between the Saturn and Dreamcast though I went for the Saturn.
Reason is because it was the first console to really get me into playing videogames, I had the Megadrive & Master system before that but didnt play them much beyond Sonic's and Road rash. The Saturn however I have amassed a large collection of games for but the standout ones for me were certainly Panzer Dragoon Saga and Burning Rangers which I still play to this day. I also loved the Duke 3D and Quake ports along with all the awesome Sega arcade ports.
Saying that tough you HAD to get your system chipped to make the most of it as most games never made their way outside of Japan, Radient Silvergun being a particulary amaing game worthy of the cash involved to play it.
Dreamcast was amazing though, much preferred it over my PS2 at the time.
Thanks for help, I tried out AVS but found it slowed my computer down to a crawl when converting files so I was unable to use it when it was doing that. Also it watermarked my videos so I abandoned it after one try.
I went with the Formatfactory converter which works brilliantly and has enough file types to keep me satisfied, its also free and dosnt watermark the video and dosnt slow my computer down so im able to work on it when its doing extensive 30+ minute swaps.
Great stuff thanks chaps!
I need to be able to convert HD MPEG-4 footage into WMV or other such formats so I can edit them with my current programs.
So im after any recommendations for free or paid software that can do this and retain video and sound in its original quality.
If it's a paid software I dont want it being stupidly expensive, keep it under £20 and i'll be happy.
Thanks for any help, please post links and what not to make finding it easier if possible :]
Pre ordering Panzer Dragoon Saga for the Sega Saturn and it costing only £25, Still own it now in perfect condition.
Same for Radiant Silvergun I got my local importer to obtain a copy for me the week it came out and only cost me £60.
Xbox: Panzer Dragoon Orta
Ps2: Metal Gear Solid 3
Dreamcast: Shenmue 1-2
Saturn: Panzer Dragoon Saga
Megadrive: Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Nintendo DS: Another Code (Trace Memory)
Xbox 360 Elite
Xbox 360 Premium
Hello Kitty (Jp) Dreamcast
Sega Saturn
Nintendo DS
Sega Megadrive
Neo Geo Pocket Colour
Sega Master System
Atari 2600
Commodore 64
Burning Rangers
Radient Silvergun
Shenmue 1-2
Dreamfall the longest journey
Tomb Raider Legend
Nights into dreams
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Soul Calibur
Your best bet of picking up classic dreamcast games is obviously Ebay or any independant game shops in your town that buy and sell classic games. Thats where I got alot of my dreamcast library for cheap.
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