I managed to see all of Season 1 of 'The Wire' before HBO removed it from On Demand. Then, I decided to 'just watch one or two episodes' of Season 2. Before I knew it, I had watched them all! It seems that HBO is going to put up every season between now and January when the 5th and final season will begin to air. This is one series that has never hit a false note, in my opinion.
I still continue to like a few of the new shows, 'Moonlight' is a keeper, as is 'Dirty Sexy Money'. 'Life' is a maybe-maybe-not, but for now, I'll watch it. I think I'm ditching 'Pushing Daisies', it's just too oddball for me. I wonder how the impending writer's strike will affect these shows?
I see the pm bug is still with us. It's frustrating to receive submission acceptances without being able to see what you submitted, and what comments the editors left, if any.
Congratulations to the Red Sox on winning the World Series, and to Mike Lowell for being named Series MVP!