Square-Enix's Final Fantasy XII has been so long coming that gamers have gone through not just a period of anticipation, but anticipation cycles. Interest picks up and hold steady with new information, months pass, attention shifts to a new game on the horizon or another solid RPG hits the market. With the game's release in Japan over half a year ago, you may feel that the game is now old news and you simply missed out on it. Now that the game has finally hit North America, players can come out of their daze, slap themselves in the face, and enjoy one of the best role-playing games to be released in years.
The tale told in FFXII is impressively constructed and well-plotted, favors political intrigue over inexplicable ancient evil forces out to destroy the world, and stars a sizeable cast of characters that interact with each other in dramatic and interesting ways. Not a bad start, but it's also backed up by intelligent writing and excellent voice performances. At times the vaguely Shakespearian English and theatrical delivery you may feel like you're watching a period play that, for some reason, includes a hot bunny girl, but it's tough not to be impressed with the production or resist being charmed by a few of the characters.
The plot progresses in a traditional manner, meaning you as the player follow a kind of fated path and are propelled forward by character actions and cinematic cutscenes that are out of your direct control but still entertaining to witness. There's still plenty of room to wander off the central path in search of treasure or simply to kick around, gain some license points and cash, and do your own thing. The primary side-quest involves rising in the ranks of a hunters' clan by tracking down and slaying wanted monsters, and killing a wide variety of monsters is rewarded with item shops offering rare items for purchase. Giant birds called chocobos, airships, and a network of warp stones help you get from one place to another with relative ease, so even in the middle of an important story point you typically have the freedom to go back for something you missed or even shrug things off for a while. It's nice not to feel locked in.
The game looks great, sounds great, has great writing, offers a lengthy and satisfying journey, has a great technical element and engaging sword-swinging and spell-slinging. It would be difficult to find a game out there with better production values, or that meets its goals so successfully while still introducing new ideas and innovations. If you have it in you to enjoy a console RPG -- any console RPG -- you should have no problem enjoying this expertly crafted title.
Kemo D. 7 :)