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#1 kenerhai
Member since 2006 • 696 Posts

I'm having a problem with my profile page not showing my most up to date achievements. It shows my Xbox profile up to date, but the achievements at the upper left side of my profile page do not reflect my most recent games or achievements.

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#2 kenerhai
Member since 2006 • 696 Posts

I'd honestly love to see a sequel, Dissidia was a blast. But, if they make a sequel, it has got to have more characters. At least 2-3 from each game. Cecil, no Kain? Terra over Shadow or Sabin?:roll: Squall and Cloud could have used supporting characters. And Zidane should be backed up by Freya. And a Shantoto and Gabranth?!?! I would have rather liked to see a moogle and Fran. And Gilgamesh. Definetly Gilgamesh!;)

And with a sequel, why don't they build on it and make a dissidia style summon centric game. A battle game where all the mighty summons and monsters can rumble!

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#3 kenerhai
Member since 2006 • 696 Posts

The PSP Go practically just came out! There's no way that Sony is ready to drop another PSP. Unless the Go completly tanks. But I really don't know how well the Go is selling compared to older PSP models and the DS. If there is a new PSP, or a "PSP Deux" as it were, if they don't say something at this years E3, then there probably isn't one.

But that dosn't mean that there isn't going to be one. Nintendo is dropping the 3DS, so Sony might want to step up their game, so to speak. But IMHO, I really don't see the PSP 2 happening any time soon. I don't think the market is ready, the economy still sucks and the PSP is gonna really need some over hauls. It really needs two analogue sticks, and they have got to make that thing more comfortable to hold on to. And besides, their not just competing with the DS, DSI, and the 3DS, but numerous other handheld media devices like the Iphone. So should they go with a Go style, media savy, do-all device, or focus on a gamer centric device with a more comfortable design and numerous ways to play games, download and/or UMD. I hope they go with the latter, but with Sony, you never know. Download seems to be the future, while phisical media is getting left behind.

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#4 kenerhai
Member since 2006 • 696 Posts

It can't be real.

Jedi Knight 3?!?! TFU2?!?!?! Battlefront 3?!?!?!

That's Star Wars overload. I'ts too much, it's like having It's like having Mr. T, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Chuck Norris in one room at the same time.

It can't happen, the universe would implode!:shock: