im thinking about buying one, should I pull the trigger
kenmid's forum posts
@senses_fail_06: I'm pretty sure everybody knows what to expect, they are on a gaming fourm.
@senses_fail_06: you mad bro
Hopefully everything will run smooth as this video.
There you go..
Ive been in Microsofts camp and have owned both Xbox systems since the original come out years ago. Ive never owned any other brand of gaming system (with the exception of the old Atari and Nintendo systems way back in the day). After much research and contemplation, Im seriously thinking about making the switch to Sony and the PS4 for this generation. The difference in specs/power, future proof/room to grow (and more importantly) the PRICE (100 bucks is a lot) between the two systems has me re-thinking my Xbox One Preorder. I would say the only thing that is keeping me from cancelling my Xbox One preorder and ordering the PS4 is the online functionality and quality of the online experience of the two systems.
I play most of my games online (mainly sports games) and speed and smoothness of the online play is key to what Im looking for. There is nothing worse than playing an online sports game and having it be a lag fest, be choppy and be unresponsive. I want a smooth experience all around with the online play. It looks like Microsoft is bolstering LIVE with 300,000+ servers. Does anyone know exactly how this will translate to actual online gameplay? Will it provide a smoother experience than what LIVE currently offers? More importantly, how will Sony and the PS4s future online service compare? Ive heard that the PS3s online experience is not as good as LIVE. Does Sony have plans to bolster and improve the online experience? If so, how? As mentioned before, I want the most smooth, responsive and dependable online experience as possible.
Please, no fan-boy responses.
Bro, this is not best play to ask this question too many fanboys. Just speaking from expernece on having both console for sports games Xbox Live is best place to play sports games. FPS are about the same, Xbox live is a better online expernce. But if I were you I would just google and do reserch. And its hard to tell because the nexgen system haven't been release. So nobody knows which is going to be better.
It is being lead developed and will look better on PS3.
Do you even play video games? Everything I get on here your on here making your stupid ridiculous comments on how much Sony is better then Microsoft. Get a life you loser...
I myself will be getting both consoles. PS4 at launch then X1 when the price drops. What I'm not understanding is why X1 fans and some journalist are acting as if X1s lineup is objectively better. Ryse is an unproven game, just your run of the mill hack and slash. Dead Rising 3 looks amazing however, but I'm sure if Capcom wants to make money, they'll make a PS4 version. MS published it but they did the same for Mass Effect. That leaves us with Forza 5. It's just more Forza, the 3rd game in 2 years.
PS4 not only has comparable games to X1s lineup but they have more. Killzone despite the hate it gets here is a highly rated series since 2. Knack looks fun despite the hate it's getting. DriveClub looks amazing graphically much better than Forza, will see how it is in actual gameplay. Forza is proven though so a wait and see approach is ideal for DriveClub. PS4 also has WarFrame, WarThunder, Octodad, Planetside 2, Divekick, Rezogun. Please enlighten me on how X1 lineup is so superior?
lol, Driveclub looks much better then Forza
very little . Probably marginal better performance ( we are talking in the vicinity of 1-2 frames per second ) on some heavy A.I gamesadamosmaki
When you use probably in your sentence means that you have know ideal.
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