kergeten's forum posts
Yea it's a pretty nasty situation with games here in Romania (but we do make more than 500$ a year, it's more like 500$ a month, which is still a joke of a pay), as far as legal gaming goes. I mean, wages are ten times smaller than in the states and games are more expensive because they're in Europe and a lot more expensive because they're in Romania.
So basically, a game that's 60 bucks in the USA is something like 80-90$ here, but since wages are ten times smaller, that's like an American paying 800 dollars for a game an something like 9000 dollars for a ps3. If that's not unfair I don't know what is. Add to that the fact that everything else is just as expensive or even more expensive as everywhere else and you realize that legal gaming is either for rich people or people with mental disorders.
Most people don't have the money or aren't willing to spend the money to buy hardware for gaming, so actually buying games is out of the question. The most ironical thing is that 99% gaming in Romania is done on PC's, which is considered the most expensive gaming medium, but when you think that 99% percent of PC gamers in Romania never actually buy a game(PC's are far easier to pirate than consoles, just download a game instead of buying an illegal copy, which is also less damaging for the industry) and that most Romanians upgrade their PC every 4-5 years, and it does make sense. Thus the only way Romanians are ever gonna start buying games is if they make our wages ten times bigger (which is a distant future possibility, now that we're in the European Union), or if they make games ten times cheaper (which will never happen). Point is... Romania is the land free gaming. Romania FTW!
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