Nope. Not for me.
kev_stevens67's forum posts
I tend to think someone's an absolute jerk if they refuse to say'thank you'. You get them now and then in the library. They're miserable gits who like making other people miserable in order to amuse themselves I think. I'd shoot them in the face and be done with them if I could. I doubt their lives ever will or do amount to much more than an obscene sort self-gratification in any case.
Sounds more like an 'Anger Management' issue.
I am always very courteous. I don't expect anything in return. If they say 'Thank you', I say 'Your Welcome'. If they don't say anything, I move on with my life - no harm done.
I'll still hold the door open for them though – even if I remember it was the same person who didn't say 'Thank you'. It's not a big deal.
Whether Marijuana is legalized or not matters not to me. I will choose not to smoke it anyway. There is just no reason to and there are better things to spend my money on.
[QUOTE="sonicare"]What if we dont like to support a person's delusions? At times they can be unhealthy.I dont believe in god, but I've never felt the need to justify my beliefs by ridiculing those that do. Lots of people believe in things that aren't necessarily proven - love, karma, justice, etc. Just get some self confidence and stick with what you think is right and let others do the same. Does any good come of demeaning others because their beliefs differ?
Unhealthy decisions can be made by anyone, religious to Atheism. I'm sure there are things you may do I would not support.
How do you know it's true?
What makes other people in other religons believe that their religon is true? Don't you believe them when they have your same answer? (Faith, I just know, miracles, I feel it, I can't explain it etc etc)
How do you know you're not being mislead? Don't you see other people (extreme islam, Westboro baptist church etc.) get mislead? How are you so sure that you're not in the same boat?
How can you believe a book that is over 2000 years old when it is historically proven to be translated numerous times (different kings, different wars etc.) from the original?
I grew up Mormon and always just shrugged these questions off because I KNEW that the church was true. I just looked at my role models and my parents and felt comfort in the fact that if they believed it, I should believe it.
Do you think it's bad to ask questions like this?
Does anybody have any answers for me so that I can make sense of this all?
I don't know if I would feel comfortable myself believing in something because someone else does, or because my parents do, or because my family does, etc. I actually have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints now for over 20 years. It was my decision to make and I decided for myself that I believed the Bible and the Book of Mormon was true. Of course I wouldn't have stayed a member this long if I didn't think that obviously.
I have always understood the Bible had been translated many times and that has never bothered me in whether I believe in God or not.
Since you grew up in the Church (I don't like the term 'Mormon'), I'm sure you are familiar with the Articles of Faith - namely number 13.
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
As long as we are doing good and what is right, than I can't believe we are being misled. That goes for anyone, from Christian to Atheist. Whatever your belief is, whether you are religious or not, we are all doing one thing on this Earth - living life.
I also don't believe it is a bad thing to ask questions..We learn from asking questions. No harm in that in my opinion.
Nope. I don't believe they work at all.
My friends and I took one into a Graveyard once and used it there for laughs on one Halloween night.
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