Can't Gamespot simply update the first review of a game (I don't usually check the After the Facts updates)? Some games that need deeper playthrough and time to be truly experienced deserve this, although it would be problem if a video review was already made. I'm also going to assume that not all gamers like to wait too long for critics.
What I think is this genre is already among the best (if the games are good, of course). And I like to play different types of games, even if I spend more time and attention on action games with big budgets.
@ vvvZombievvv I know it was exaggerated, and it was in porpuse :) . But it's hard to not get anxious of the sequel of a great game (not talking of just KZ 3 but any other game).
MY PRAYS WERE LISTENED! Killzone 3 is official and there's footage in IGN. Gonna exist a snow level and new Helghan soldiers. Now Guerrila has no excuse to make an E3 trailer. I'm so happy :ยด) (I confess I'm a fan)
Looking forward for more Castlevania: Lords of Shadows and Fallout: New Vegas news, official confirmation for Killzone 3 and (I hope) GTA 5 by the form of teaser trailer and Dead Space 2 gameplay. I'm also wondering if CoD: Black Ops is going to surprise.
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