"otherwise we'll all be happiest setting our screens at 100% contrast all the time.". - Or increasing our brightness to near 100% as some of the 360 screens show.
@Irbanx. com'on, you know the Wii isn't in this league. the comparism will be too easy. "As you can see, compared to the Xbox 360 the the textures in the Wii version are #$%^", Or maybe "Madden 09 looks quite identical on the PS2 and the Wii"
This is not the problem.. The issue is, has the RROD problem been resolved completely?? Only americans have the patience to converse with M$ tech support 3 times a year.
@BigBoss7460 There are only 2 next gen systems.. The wii can only get ports of PS2 games not 360 or PS3 games The computing benchmarks of the Cell processor shows that It owns most Desktop PCs and the Xbox360 in raw computing power. So, time will tell
khai411's comments