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I wonder why do most people prefer Street fighter 4 rather than Tekken 6?

If you have noticed SF4 is more critically acclaimed game than Tekken 6.Both GameSpot ang IGN gave SF4 a bigger review score.I am really confused.

I don't want to say that SF4 is a bad fighter but it is compared to Tekken 6.SF4 has excellent graphics but repetitive gameplay.Each player has only 30 moves is SF4 while characters in tekken have hundreds of moves.This is a very essential part in fighting.At least user score for Tekken 6 is slightly biggerthan that of SF4.I just don't understand why GameSpot thinks SF4 is a better fighting game than Tekken 6.By the way xbox 360's GOTY(by IGN) is Assassin's Creed 2 which is not exclusive.GO PS3.


Mgs4 vs Uncharted 2(graphics comparison)

Well,this is very hard task for me.

Let's begin.At first these 2 games are PS3 exclusives and this fact does half the job-they both look stunning.Character modeling looks better in MGS4.Snake's face is stunningly detailed and if you stop and watch his face you will see details such as the clearly visible eye color,wrinkles and most amazing thing-crow's feet.There is no one saying that Drake looks bad.No,Drake looks excellent but the details on Snake's face are more.Cut-scenes are the only part MGS4 greatly surpasses Uncharted 2.You will sometimes freeze and watch the gorgeous action on screen.But there are always excellent cut-scenes in Uncharted 2.Uncharted 2 features a lot of thrilling moments such as the snowy rock falling almost on you from the mountain,tank crushing wall and making you fall and so on.You will meet events like these in MGS4 too but not as much as in Uncharted 2.There is one important part in MGS4.Cut-scenes turns into game play without stop.This is more likely the strongest point in MGS4.

Now the environment in the games.No doubt this question is not unequivocal.Snow looks perfect in both games almost photo realistic.Only colors are brighter in Uncharted 2.Trees,brick walls,sky,ground looks sharper in Uncharted 2 though there are some aspects MGS4 surpasses Uncharted 2 like water.MGS4 features some fantastic details on and in water like bubbles split on camera.One more fact.When you shoot at enemy blood can split on camera in MGS4.This doesn't happen in Uncharted 2.Enemies fall more smoothly in MGS4.Textures are much better in Uncharted 2.Also sbout Snake's OctoCamo.It is a fantastic achievement in graphics technology.This is an easy on eye looking part in the game.


Personally I think that in terms of gameplay Uncharted 2 is a better looking game with rich environment and fantastic colors surely with perfect shadowing.MGS4 is another achievement in video gaming especially motorcycle chase part.This part is very epic.MGS4 is more naturally looking game with fantastic environment, shadowing,cut-scenes and a lot of more details.It's hard for me to give the name of the winner because they are both excellent.Choise is yours.ANY OPINIONS?

Addition to Uncharted 2

Hey there hello again.I would like to add something to Uncharted 2.This was on my mind for a long time and I thought I would write it in my review but I forgot.Well I would like to talk about the score in uncharted 2.The music score is excellent just like in Hollywood movies.Excellent music makes you shiver in certain parts you know-that is how I imagine perfect music.And there is also duduk during the music in Uncharted 2.Duduk is Armenian national pipe,you know.Very awesome score,really.Though I have to add that this is not the best score in video game.I give the first place to the score in

1.God of war

2.Metal Gear Solid 4

3.Uncharted 2

About Uncharted 2.

Uncharted 2 is a special game as I said before even any critic review appeared.Moreover,this game surpassed all my expectations even when I played only 5 hours in two days.Everything is excellent in this game with only one area that is also excellent but it should be perfect for a game like this-hand-to-hand.When hand-to-hand you can only attack and evade.Sounds surprising but the effect is amazing.I'll write a review when I'm free.