So much story you won't believe it! You will get so much story you will get bored, you will not be able to stand all the story we are getting. -Making Destiny great again!
Looking forward to playing Destiny 2. Once I've enjoyed all the content I can put the game away and move on to something else. Unlike the sad, sick people with mental disorders that can't move on and still try to grind for gear with ultimately no purpose.
Something drastic has changed between the Alpha and the first game. I could get Battlefront I to run perfectly at 4k/60 ultra with a single GTX 1080Ti. The Alpha however, barely ran at all with two GTX 1080Ti in SLI mode at lower settings. I hope they do some serious optimizations before launch. Maybe the XoX version will be the one to beat.
Seems Nintendo and Sony are dominating the games market. Makes you wonder if Scalebound might have been mentioned had they not fell on Microsoft's sword.
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