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GTA V Last Minute Halloween DLC release?

Well here's a little blurb for you guys.

GTA V has recently gotten over a 7 hour maintenance period. Its Halloween today. Rockstar generally hits us with an update and/or a DLC on holidays.

But something is amiss... The most recent Tuesday had no update, nor did Thursday. For those who dont know, these are days that R* does this. However, they did break the "All updates and DLCs on Tuesday" thing with the aforementioned Thursday release.

So, with the element of surprise in their court, will R* release it later today? As I type it is 3:31 PM, and it has yet to release. Or, will R* just leave us in the dust?

Personally I doubt the latter. Especially with the holiday releases and so much Zombie DLC rumors/hype/speculation.

Have a nice day you guys and gals, Khaos 775 out!

Batman: Arkham Knight (News, Rumors and Speculations)

Well folks, I'm back.

The Arkham series was amazing for me. I'm sure I was for you. Origins, Asylum, and City. But with Knight so far away, we will be waiting patiently for the release.

So if you're a guy or gal relentlessly up to date you will know most of this. Here it is...

Release Date: June 2nd, 2015

Installment: Final

Playable Characters: Batman (derp), Catwoman, Redhood, Azrael and Harley Quinn

Map Size: Freaking huge (bigger than Asylum and City mashed together I believe)

Platforms: PS4, XB1, (maybe) PC

Alright so here's my input. The game is being released on 06/02/15. That's a looong time from the original Fall 2014 release right? Well, this isn't all too bad. While Bats desperately tries to rev up the Batmobile, it gives developers more time to polish the game. Adding content, fixing as many glitches as possible, refining everything so its as close to perfect as possible for release. That's good news!

Playable characters include Batman (obviously), Catwoman, Azrael, Redhood (DLC, I believe pre-order) and Harley (pre-order DLC). I'll love playing Bats as usual, but the what about the others?

I loved playing as Catwoman in City. Her moveset always left me speechless, her gadgets (although limited) were very useful, and (excuse me ladies for I am a man) she was very attractive. I actually really liked the grayish-black suit, and its style over many original suits. I really hope to see her again in Knight. Hopefully as a free roam and challenge map character. I also hope that the City, Animated, Long Halloween, and maybe the two Injustice and the Injustice "Selina Kyle" (herin normalish clothes and no mask) costumes are added too.

Since seeing the Azrael character model and doing the side mission and hearing his message I knew he would reappear in Knught. Even more as a playable character. Obviously hoping for both FR (campaign free roam) and CM (challenge map) game play. He looked awesome and I truly cant wait to play him too.

Redhood for those who dont know is the revived second Robin who was beaten to death by The Joker. And ironically brought back as Redhood (Joker in many storylines was Redhood before falling into a chemical vat, warping his face and losing his mind). Redhood will have his own Campaign, but who knows how thisll work out. Will it be integrated like the Catwoman story or separate like the Robin story (Harley Quinns Revenge)? Who is to tell?

Lastly, Harley Quinn. Well the psychotic nutbag girlfriend of the (SPOILER ALERT!) recently deceased more psychotic nutbag boyfriend. Even though I dont necessaryily like Arkham Harley, I will still like another option for characters.

Other characters I expect are Robin, Nightwing, possibly a Batgirl (since there is more than Barbra Gordon, who is paralyzed), maybe Deathstroke. I would like them to be FR options too but I expect at least two of them for CM.

The enemies in the campaign are currently as followed: Scarecrow, Penguin, Harley, Two-Face and the mysterious Arkham Knight for which the game I named.

Other side enemies I could see are: Grundy, Bane, Freeze, Mad Hatter, Hush, Zsasz, Black Mask, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Croc, Poison Ivy.

Id love to see Firefly, Copperhead, Shiva and Anarky again too. The Arkham comics/graphic novels suggest Firefly might return, plus who doesn't like pyros? I liked Anarky and found him really cool, so id like to see him too, besides he reminds me of an evil version of V. Copperhead was just downright sexy, like Catwoman. And Shiva is just to add more enemies I guess.

Got anything to add, be it news, opinions, other speculations? Please share in the comments section!

Thanks for listening, this is Khaos 7-7-5 whishing you the best!

GTA V & Zombies!

GTA V is one of todays biggest open world sandbox games as of this current Gen consoles, and maybe the next (do not mistake OW for OW-RPG).

With one of Rockstars previous hit games Red Dead Redemption and its controversial DLCs "Undead Nightmare" it isn't really hard see why they wouldn't add something like this to GTA V SP and MP.

According to some rumors, news and a magazine, plus many YouTube videos, its pretty obvious Zombies will come out... Or is it?

Rumors report a code including three main letters... "ZMB"... If said fast it says "Zombie". This is very obvious. There also is a "freak" in GTA V SP that looks like a Zombie too, coincidence?

Well the news is actually pretty stale if you're up to date with everything. Zombies and/or Z games are becoming a huge hit again. With State of Decay out to quell a much neglected area, it wont last. As well, with Dying Light coming out early 2015 and huge hype for it, GTA V could throw a fast pitch for an October 2014 Zombie DLC release.

However, as stated before the magazine for Sony hints at GTA V having Zombies, or at least adding hype. But according to some higher ups, GTA V for PS4 will be "something special". This could heavily imply that if a Zombie DLC were to come out, it would be Sony exclusive.


Bloggers Thoughts...

As a proud supporter of R* from Max Payne 1-3, GTA 1-5, and both Red Deads, I would say if it were Sony exclusive, this would be THE BIGGEST mistake R* could possibly pull for GTA V!

As a Xbox user (who is soon to acquire a Xbox 1, as I have received a few games for it) and an overall liker of Xbox after the reign of PS2 (ps3 in my opinion wasn't as good, so I switched to XB360) I would be supremely outraged at this.

To play online, XB users must pay a subscription fee, and will continue to. As well, R* has made over a year of Epic Fails when it comes to GTA V. No heists still, aging and repetitious game play, a SP story not worth fully replaying, and all the needed maintenance.

Zombies should be for all, if not at least all console users. I dont care what is going on behind the scenes, IT WOULD KILL GTA V for many. As again the game is becoming excessively stale and many are switching to games such as Destiny (did a review and blog, very good game).

Zombies for all systems, be it PC, PS3/4 XB360/1 would INDEFINITELY redouble in R* favour, considering all the hype (The Walking Dead, Dying Light, Dead Rising 3, State of Decay, etc) and would almost assuredly bring back many fans to play through countless hours of zombie slaughtering mayhem.

Remember R* this DLC could make or break this game, so make the right choice of a PC and next Gen console release of a Undead Nightmare GTA V edition, will ya?

Halo 4: Good or Bad?

With Bungie leaving the legendary Halo series behind to pursue greener pastures, thus Destiny was born, and leaving Halo's fate to the successor 343 Industries.

Now we're going to review the Campaign, Multiplayer, etc. (SPOILERS AHEAD!)

The Prerequisite...

Right after the bitter sweet end of Halo 3, with the death of some of our favourite characters, like Sgt Johnson and the end of the Keys line, the overthrow of the Covenant, the end of the flood and a mutual peace with the Elites, one might think, "what could possibly happen in the next game?"

Well, honestly folks, my thoughts at the end of Halo 3 were that it was a great story, an epic journey, and a nice ending, and it should stay that way...

Halo 4: The Campaign

Right off the get go Master Chiefs armour had magically switched, even though he was locked away in space with only Cortana looking after him. So that's already wrong.

As you progress through the story, you are fighting Covenant... Wait! Hold the phone! Halo 3's ending disintegrated the Covenant! But that's not all, the Brutes up and left, with no hint as to their whereabouts, and the Elites become alien language speaking antagonists like in #1! Wait, hold on again... Elites were at peace with the Humans, and was made thoroughly clear to this.

So now you're fighting the Covenant again, the Elites again, in magically different armour... Hmm... Sounds fishy.

Later on in the game you'll be thrusted into fighting Forerunners... Wait Forerunners! In the Halo Universe they were the guys that saved EVERY RACE from extinction from the Flood! Just in case you didn't know.

Okay, so now we're fighting Covenant (who we're disbanded), Elites (who were at peace), Forerunners (who not only are extinct, but the SAVIOURS OF THE GALAXY... Minus the Flood), in magically different armour. Oh and i forgot to mention, the Grunts and Elites completely changed in appearance. Both have a new skin colour, and the Grunt has a new head shape too. As well there's a NEW SPARTAN FEMALE! Wait, every other Spartan died, and they cant make more...

Wow, I'm not impressed at all. Nor were many people who actually knew the Halo story, but I digress.

You eventually fight the last remaining organic Forerunner (the rest were robotic synthetics), turns out hes not only evil, but crazy. I guess being alone, in a gigantic metal ball for hundreds of thousands of years does that to people.

Then after all of this, Cortana finally goes 100% over the edge, completely insane, fights the boss, dies horribly, without being able to be saved. Nothing is left, apparently.

Wow, so we are left with what is a bad story that contradicts everything the Halo Universe has done to this point. Everything is flipped on its head, and Cortana (in many peoples opinions, the only attractive person left) up and dies too...

So ultimately, you have a really bitter taste left in your mouth, with no sweet to compensate for even the slightest bit of displeasure. Not cool 343, not cool at all.

Halo 4: Multiplayer

Multiplayer in this game takes a "Halo Reach" stand point. Being able to customize your Spartan in a variety of ways, yet doesn't fully live up to the "Reach" counterpart. Here is why, Reach had a credits system, after every match, you gained more, from doing missions, you gained more, from the lottery you gained more. With credits you can buy all your wanted gear, etc. Halo 4 uses a "Spartan Points" method. This effectively limits you to one point every level you earn, making buying wanted things, so much longer, and harder to do. You will probably give up after a while, unless you truly dedicate your whole (if not most of) your game time to this games multiplayer mode.

Aside from that, 343 also skimped on the amounts of armour you can buy as opposed to Reach. On top of that, there also isn't as many colours to coat your gear with, making your Spartan less awesome and unique and more bland... Bad taste anyone?

As far as online interaction goes, you should expect many annoying kids with bad tempers and when that sparks expect them to "T-Bag" you repeatedly in a fit of rage, assuming they kill you.

But here is the real snag... If you are someone who blurts out "sexist" remarks (accidently or purposely) you immediately get banned from online. Its a protocol that makes everything "nice". But really, ive heard many people accidently say "b*tch" before online, or just expressing anger. So now we have a gimped Reach multiplayer that negates the right of free speech and not only that, if you're and Xbox 360 player, this gives you the bird to your subscription fee to play online. This is to stop "sexism", however ive heard many times reverse sexism, and females berating male players on the game, and yet the overzealous designers of 343 do nothing to punish them. Thus if you're a male, and like playing online in Halo 4, you have to play by the rules of 343s "Everything males do is wrong" God Complex, or (in essence) get out. However you could simply not use a mic. But either way, a WORD IS A WORD, and if you cant take it, YOU SHOULDN'T PLAY ONLINE anyway, as there always is, and always will be, rude people.

However, I'm not one of them, but i still get annoyed at the completely hypocritical reverse sexism injustice of 343...

On The Bright Side...

To save online and even the games last shred of dignity, 343 has done something Bungie could never (or at least never wanted to) do. When in combat and being shot, regardless of being crouched, aiming down a scope, HELL EVEN BOTH, you don't immediate stand up and stop zooming, only to have your head blown off! That's actually the ONLY nice thing about Halo 4, in my, and many others, experience.

Halo 5...

Well apparently Halo 5 is a thing. They should in all honesty cut the reverse sexism, and make AT LEAST the enemy looks back to normal.

Will I ever buy it... Absolutely not. The franchise ended at Halo 3. I include #1-3, ODST and Reach as main story components. Yes "what about Halo Wars?" well that game was actually kind of off the games canon in reality, and wasn't even an FPS, even though I loved it too, it doesn't truly count.


With many small to wildly terrible errors in the game, the reverse sexist gimped Halo Reach like multiplayer, with a touch of game saving combat additives... Halo 4 has a mere 2/10 at best.

Agree or disagree, like it or hate it, that's the games judgement.

Do you had anything to add to the good side or bad side of the game, or anything to dispute? Then leave a comment!

Anyway, thanks for reading guys and gals, this is Khaos775 wishing you a good day!

Destiny: A Review

Destiny, a game made by Bungie after they departed from their Halo series...

With much game hype, its hard to see why people dont like this game, but that begs the question, "Does Destiny live up to its hype?"...

Destiny was released on September 9th 2014, and features a class based FPS MMORPG like game format, which the former (FPS) Bungie is so famed for making in thanks to Halo, now to the whole thing.

Class System...

Titan: This class features your basic super soldier like hero, from Master Chief to Marcus Fenix, its your soldier at its most basic.

Hunter: For those with nostalgic memories of post-apocalyptic games such as the Fallout franchise, this ones for you! Sporting less armour than the Titan counterpart, but still looking manacing in its own right, baring light armour with generalized bandages around the hands and wrists, leather like armour, a hood/cloak, and a complimenting gasmask like helmet, this class brings out that "End of the world" in this game!

Warlock: For your own purposes of futuristic sci-fi mage guys and gals, this is your slice of heaven. With some of the more unique looking abilities, and ranged attacks, this class seems to be the most "far out" class.


With the classes being told, you might wonder "which is the best?" and after countless hours of playing, beta and full game included, my thoughts, and many others, cannot point to any which one.

While all armours vary in aesthetic appeal, none are truly different in protective quality, be it the Titans heavy knight like armour, the Hunters sleek armageddon ready leather suit, or the Warlocks heavy bathrobes, they truly dont make any difference right from the start, as every beginner armour of any class has the same armour value.


Accompanying the 3 classes are 3 races. Human, Awoken and Exo. Humans are obvious, you, me and hopefully your next door neighbour are all a part of this race. Awoken are very human like, minus skin colour and glowing eyes. They apparently in game fluff are/were Human, hopefully Bungie will elaborate on this end more. But they are generally blue, have glowing eyes and are more angular, akin to an elf, minus height and pointy ears. Exos are robotic synthetics, pretty cool. They have a metallic voice in-game and are more unique look wise.


There's no race with specific advantages and disadvantages. Its a level playing field, this possibly can aggravate some gamers, but hey, "its fair".


Gameplay is smooth, aside from the occasional "loading" point if you are zooming about on your personal jetbike. However one may experience a "error" which will instantly disconnect them from a mission or PvP match.


Combat is fluid, with fast paced shooting, melee and abilities. Wether you use a huge hand cannon (huge futuristic revolver) or an LMG, you will feel on top of the world... Or you'll get clobbered horribly by a blindsiding enemy who grows a brain and outflanks you, either way.


Missions combat wise, again, run well. The only complain worthy part is the "Darkness Zones" and ill elaborate. Many times have me and strangers fought through countless enemies and got to the final room in a DZ, in which respawning is disabled, or at least you either wait 30s or hope an ally can revive you, if your team dies, time to restart, anyway, we are running through, get to the last room, fight the boss, 2 of 3 of us die, and as we kill that boss BAM! A random enemy shoots the last person in the head, killing him, time to restart.

Other than the few chinks in the machine combat wise, the story is quite interesting, however vague it is. I can, and in very sure its guaranteed, another game (Destiny 2?!?) will come out, and elaborate on the races, history of this dark time in the game, and add more places to explore.


With a fair environment, free flowing combat mechanics, reasonably sound multiplayer experience (be it co-op or PvP) and cool aesthetics this game easily achieves a bare minimum 8/10.

Other notes: Destiny generally to my experience, has incredibly kind social atmosphere, that is to say, nice people. This included, makes a very enjoyable playing experience, as people are ACTUALLY willing to help total strangers, make fireteams with them, and help out with those big boss battles you might get snagged on!

Thanks for reading guys and gals, have a good one!