Well, it's about damn time they made a Halo movie. We knew all along it was gonna happen (by the way, i hate Halo's gameplay, but the story is f****ing awesome). But, i thought bitterly, it's gonna suck ass if they don't get someone good on it, and it's probably gonna have like, Uwe boll directing it (he made movies bloodrayne, dungeon seige, all sh*t movies), but alas, no. Peter Jackson (king kong, LOTR trilogy), the moviemaking supergenius will be producing it, and he chose some little-known short-film director to direct it. With PJ on board, im fairly optimistic about the fate of Halo, but filled with sorrow as it will be rated PG-13 when it gets into theaters.
at least the halo-loving kiddies will whoop with glee at the prospect of getting into the movie with their friends, us older folk will sit through a movie with no blood and gore (*tear), or any content that would have the movie dubbed R. of course, there is still a chance it will be rated R, but of the smallest kind. oh, and if it is rated pg-13, at least the dvd will come with unrated material :D
And back to what i said about Uwe Boll, it makes me incredibly angry about the fact that he has the license to make a Far Cry movie, which (if he makes it) will sally the record of an excellent game. The long-awaited Simpsons movie will come out in 2007, with Halo an anticipated summer 2008 release. For those of you who dont know yet (as i just found out) this isnt exactly new news, being announced last year. :(