saw it on sunday, and it was an absolute BLAST.
definatly one of the most memorable points in my otherwise pointless life, i got to mette jeremy, anastasia, kyle and most of the pp cast (like teh_masterer) but unfortuantly, there was no doug. (!@#$ toronto...). anyway, i was in line for about 10 mins gettin the tickets, lookin around at all the gamers from around the globe ( some guys from holland & australia) and they all were bustin' out their PSPs and DSs and goin' all wi-fi on each other. i finaly got the tickets, then ahd to wait in line for nearly an hour before the doors opened and they finaly let us in the cinema. i got seats on the top balcony, cuz downstairs was nearly full and couldnt get a good view cuz of some dude w/ an afro :P
we all got comfortable, then, it started.
the lights in the theater dimmed, all except for the ones on the stage. the crowd cheered, and teh_masterer walked up onto the stage. "nOObs." he proclaimed. "all nOObs. i honestly thought there would be more pros here. now tell me, does anyone pwn at RTS?" the audience screamed. "does anyone ehre pwn at FPS?" the crowd screamed even louder. "i thought not. i was obiously wasting my time." and with that, he walked off the stage. then, jeremy walked up onto the stage. "JEREMY, JEREMY, JEREMY.....!!!!" shouted the crowd, as teh_pwnerer himself graced the crowd with his presence. he raised his hands, like holy instruments of immaculate pwnage, and the cheering died down. "guys, it feels great to be home." he said, and yet more cheering erupted from the seats. once it subsided, he continued, saying "guys, i have been to vancouver and calgary, but there has been no audience like this"
yet more cheering. it goes on for this for aout 2 minutes, then kyle walks up on the stage. kyle gives the low-down on whats going down during the preformance and then selected some audience members to show off their best micro. the guy who brought his own keyboard won (i was actually suprised at how many ppl brought keyboards), and him and the 2nd place asain chick both walked away w/ nOOb store gift certificates. then, there was an FPS doug impersination contest was held, where answers ranged from the nervous guy messing up and yelling "i can dance all. uh, BOOM HEADSHOT!" and recieving much booing, to one guy screaming "hey wsup my name is matt. FUK matt won.
then, they showed episode 11. once it was over, we all got a 10-minute break, which i used to stock up on some nibs, an Oh Henry and a large mountain dew.
fianly, ep12 was showed, which was fukin' halarious and had the biggest plot twist in PP yet, but the only thing ill spoil abt the episode is voiceboxes. voiceboxes are the coolest sh1t ever, whcih blurt out one of jeremy or dougs catchphrases with the touch of a button (six buttons in all), but was kind of a rip at ten bucks a pop. but, i bought a jeremy one and still havent tired of making it say "mballs!""you remind me of gay and my favorite combination: "you remind me of mballs!".
the episode comes out today, i think, and if you dont download it you are either on some sort of weird drug or dead.