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Retractable? NO WYA!!!!!

no wya? yes wya!
i retract my statement 2 posts ago where i said id rather have a 360 than a wii. 360 can eff itself for all i care.
see, with the wii, first i was a f-nintendo guy, then i was an "ok nintendo's cool but the wii is gay guy, then i was a "wii's sorta cool" guy, but then i actually got the chance to try the bee-hotch out at an EB Games (F gamestop, btw. eb was way cooler before it was bought out kthnx), and damn it was fun. i had to ahnd over my drivers liscence just to use it, they didnt want people running out of the store with the remote. anyway, the controller was a bit smaller than i had originally thought, and really light too. anyway, i played excite truck, which is probably a really bad game, but it was fun as hell anyway. point is, i want a wii now, and ill get one soon (i hopes)