Heres the deal.... i understand that it is a competitive market, and i also understand that everyone has what we call PREFERENCES. pick what you prefer, and get off the bullhorn. most of you kids didnt even GET a decision, you were given something by your parents. you wanted a wii, but they were sold out so your folks got you a 360. now you get online and to you, everything else is worthless. thats great that you have such a charisma about your new, unwanted console, but im fairly sure that no one else here wants to hear about it. have some maturity, seriously. you guys look like a bunch of idiots from the outside!
the bottom line is, opinion is not fact.
i got to the point where i dont read ANYTHING posted on these forums, dont read ANY comments on the news stories, and hardly eve read anything on alot of game relates sites. Being an owner of pretty much every mainstream console for the last 20 years, ive played a game or two. when it comes to the new consoles, i bought all 3 not far from launch, knowing about each of them
the PS3 has the most potential but had a rough launch. so what?
the xbox 360 has the best online play but dies in a matter of days to months, so what?
the wii is the most innovative but doesnt look as good as the others. so what?
i tell you theres more wasted time fighting over whos going to win the console and not enough playing. it almost makes me want to forget about modern games alltogether. theres hardly anything as good as some of the first playstation titles.
shut the hell up, pick up your controller (of choice), and play a game (of your choice).
-iv is currently playing: Motorstorm - The Darkness - Guitar Hero II - Pokemon Pearl - Gears of War - Wii Sports