So the best insult back is call them Crimecrats or something. Enablers of crime or pro crime culture. They may try to make it about a shouting person, but its really just anti conservatism and tough people. But its worse supporting rapists and murderers and degenerates over that. So its one way to make them shut up a little bit :)
Kian82's forum posts
But the more annoyed you are at people. The more violent one gets. So technically its better to accept the annoyance than to get annoyed all the time. Since if life wasnt meant to be annoying then it wouldnt exist?
I was under the impression that Sony now owns Funimation?
:'( why would SONY hire a bad dubbing company
Can get why some try to escape it. But if you are annoyed by people who annoy you. Then you are doing it wrong, because whether one likes it or not. People will always annoy you. The less likely to be annoyed is to accept the annoyanse and live best way you can
One example is, i sometimes escape real life by playing Oddworld. And if you fart on some people you try to save, some get annoyed (like me). Simple understandings of life.
Because Funi couldnt dub anything decent even if their ass depended on it. The only thing they can dub is Dragon Ball... everything else is god awful.
Not saying Viz is that much better... its almost as bad but Funi is the bottom of the barrel.
Why not? :)
Aslong as you dont become some elitist nerd then its not a problem
Undeniably great developers, average game designers.
What is sad is they used to be actually good game developers. Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter had good game mechanics. And then someone decided.. hey thats too much fun. Lets turn it into a boring movie game series... and so Uncharted was made -_- and i hate Naughty Dog for popularizing that
So did Brokeback Mountain and that movie was godawful -_-
Compared to Phantasmagoria 2 or Blue is the Warmest Colour
High scores for being a lack of gameplay and more of a terrible movie... congratz :P
If you called... minimal gameplay a masterpiece -_- poor people
It used to make video games til PS3 came and they made all these godawful movie games. Its when it was in 2017 i think is when i stopped caring for Naughty Dog games as a whole. Because i realised they just werent gonna make video games anymore. But just about some jock tilting stick for 50 min up, listening to some guy babbling about something and 5 min action. I hate their games so much. Only good games they made was in PS1 and PS2 era. After that it all went downhill
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