That should be a mood. I honestly have no idea where to begin.
So I'll start with the easy. We lost one apartment but gained another. The entire ordeal was stressful and hellish and has me not eating again. We're also getting another roommate.
We almost lost BB. I'm getting very terrified for his safety in this house. The man in it is abusive to animals because they do not 'obey' him and Miz and I are the only ones who actually look out for his well-being.
I might PM my nii-san about it, even though he won't reply for awhile. I'm just worried he won't respond(after the time frame that he shall return to the internet has passed) because I think I might have offended him.
Which sucks. A lot. I didn't mean to. I was just trying to be supportive, but my supportive also comes off as maternal and he admitted that my maternal annoys him.
And I have no idea how to make that stop.
I'm also having irrational thoughts that he's going to make me stay on this website forever. I honestly couldn't take that. I can't really rely on this site to do what it needs to do, but if its the only thing that he wants to communicate via, then I guess I'll just have to deal, right? Sigh.
This website is so lonely though.
And to top it all off, today I was trying to get somewhere in FFX and then suddenly I died. I was sorely tempted to just crawl into a hole and not come out again. FML.
But I don't want to be negative. I want to be the optimistic one for once. And nii-san's thoughts aren't affecting mine like mine have done to his, so this means I can be the strong one too.
I'm not sure where this blog is going. I'm kinda bummed nii-san didnt say goodbye before he left, but there's not much I can do about that. And it doesn't really matter as long as he returns to play.
Its hard to be supportive when I don't know what he needs >.>
I probably won't blog again until he returns. I don't trust my thoughts too much.
On a side note, I'm moving out around the end of august so that will be exciting. My baby will be safe and finally meet his older brother and I'll be free from my terrible mom.