Hello everyone. The last two days have been easier for me because I remembered how to shut off my mind. Success! I've even began to eat again. So yeah, I won't be dead before too long. Which is good. I have fanfiction that needs to be typed. in fact, as I catch up on DVR, thats what I'll be doing.
My victorian romance is such a doof. He's quite amusing. It recently came to my attention that all of my fave ffn authors that have gone on haitus have done so due to relationship issues. Geez, is there something in the air? I wish them all the best and hope that they can get their lives back in order.
I've began typing many new fanfiction ideas. One I started awhile back. The other I am in the planning stages with. I forgot how much my writing develops when my heart shatters. "When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change," Avatar Aang informed Avatar Korra in the Korra finale this past saturday. How very true that is. Its a bitter truth, honestly. My sisters insist that I don't do much for awhile. They insist I need my rest. Yet I feel very restless. So I'll take that out in fanfiction.
Soulmates. Its a startling concept. If you actually start to think about it, its just an unavoidable lable. No matter what my nii-san thinks or convinces himself of, in the end he'll discover the truth. And thats what he needs this time for. To grow. Its scary, imagining him so far away and without people to talk to. He needs to realize that I'll continue to be here for him. but more on that later. Honestly, he'll probably read these blogs and skip over parts when I mention him. Avoiding the problem has worked well for him for many years now, and being the creature of habit that he is, he'll continue to do this. But whatever. It is what it is.
So back to fanfiction, because thinking of my nii-san makes me tear up. My KKM and Sailor Moon stuff will slowly be coming along. I plan to post chapters for both tonight, depending on when I get out of work. Confessions is going well too. Soon I will begin to heavily edit book 2. I might begin to edit book 1 as well. When the beginning of July hits, I plan to start book 3. I am so excited for that. So many things happen and my mood is the mood that book needs. The tears I shed at night will be transfered to that story. I also need to finish up my FMD(or something like that ;) )'s first part. All of these things that need to happen :P I also have been typing on my Harvest Moon stuff, which is super popular.
My dreams have been pretty tranquil, despite the hysteria that my heart is in. They've been nice dreams full of the future. Not the far future, when I have babies, but the closer future, like post-college graduation. I like them and will do my best to make them come true.
Pixel art-ing is a lot of fun as well. I'm glad that I have some that needs to be done. it gives me a nice distraction. I also need to acquire another FF3, so that Emi and I can get our Onion Knight outfits. FF2 will eventually be played...maybe. Probably not. Now that the two gamers in my life have left, my drive for gaming has all but disappeared. Before the summer ends I do plan on finishing FF3 and FF4 and FF5. And my Harvest Moon games. I'll work on those once Mizu starts Charmed season 4, which should happen sometime next week.
Work is a lot better than I expected. I have a really easy job and everyone is quite friendly. And helpful. I'm curious as to who I'm working with today.
Ok. Nii-san, if you want, we can never verbally communicate. Whatever you want. I plan on stalking your blogs as I always have. That won't change. I'll be a silent observer. I'm sure you'll stalk mine too. To everyone else, thanks for reading my crap. I'm glad that you care.