Hey everyone! Not much going on in this blog. Just rambling. So I had an odd week. It had its ups and downs. I'll start with the downs because they are boring and dumb.
I realized some things I had been worried about are in fact happening. Which sucks. Cause I really didn't want them to happen. But I suppose expirience really is the best teacher, so I'll just let things run their course and try to be strong for those who will need it. This drama was exausting. I'm still kinda tired from it.
Then I had a week full of weird dreams. Just bizarre. But I'm not going to talk to them.
Now for the good. I video chatted with my brother. It was different but a good kind of different. It is definitely the highlight of my week, which might just be a wee bit sad, but I don't care. I'm that kind of dorky I suppose :P Our plans didn't really work but that doesn't matter too much to me. Because we tried and thats what matters. And I wanna try again. Trial and error and all that. And if it never works then we can figure out something else to do. I'm just not sure how he feels about it.
I got a job! I fill the papers out Thursday. Money is always a good thing, after all ;)
I also got my secret ending in re:coded, which means I can now focus on other things. Thank goodness.
So this is a short blog, I know, but I'm not sure whatelse to say, so I'll just stop now.