Through a bit of research I conducted, my answer for this fantastic looking game is not going to reach our shores. No "confirmed" date and the game is already over a week released in Japan with no translation or english dubbing in progress. Last I checked, that takes quite some time and that means this game would already be at the least, 6 months old by the time we saw it released here at the earliest. I Really would like to see Nintendo try to catch some of the "JRPG" market but I find it hard to belief this game will see the light of day in an American Wii (unless you import it) ..../sigh:cry:
kidmoogle's forum posts
S/E usually does a pretty good job of Voice-acting but the original voice-overs are typically so emotional and fit the characters very well. Their voices kind of give the game an edgy intense feeling where american voices kind of come off as whiny or comic relief.
Can anyone tell me if you can leave the Japanese dialogue active instead of the usual crappy american dub-overs in the american version of Dissidia?
Not even close. The only true GREAT game on the Wii so far has been Galaxy and Twilight Princess was just a disaster. It has FUN games on it for sure, but nothing that sticks in your memory. I had more fun on my game-cube so far when you compare and I don't think Nintendo will ever make another system as good as Super Nintendo. Once you break it down, the Wii has actually been pretty disappointing and this is coming from a very big Nintendo fan. So big I want Mario tats and Logo tats. Stick to what you do best Nintendo. Focus on software and not how we control it.
I'd like to see a 2d metroid announced, with wii pointer aiming and optional classic controllers control schemes. In all reality though, it will probably be Pikmin 3. Kcdragon8116
I am a little confused. Do you mean Prime 4? They are done with the series. If its going to be a Metroid, its going to be completely different and from a new publisher. I hope it goes to an epic side-scroller with some 3D effects like they are doing with the remake of Klonoa
It won't be Zelda because it was already announced for the DS. A major let down for all the Zelda fans out there including myself.
Ok kiddies! Lets not get ahead of ourselves here. Let us wait until a DS2 comes out before we start talking about improvements for a DS3.
I am sick and tired of these stupid casual games like cooking mama. I love the wii but wtf were are the new mario and zelda, were are the mature games. grkpektis
I never understand this angle with people. According to everyone I hear not matter whether its a fare assesment or not Nintendo doesn't make mature games in the first place and shouldn't be considered for people who want those types of titles. You should of bought a PS3 or a 360. I think it is funny though how this is unjustified. If you look at all the "mature" titles for the other consoles besides the exclusives like Gears or Resistance, Nintendo makes them... COD comes to mind though they are typically a horrible watered-down do to specs version. The new Bond game is another example. This is an unfounded argument and needs to just end here and now.
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