This is gonna be sweet. i wanted a rev before but this just puts the icing on the cake. Just think of playing metroid prime and being able to point at Ridley and shoot him. What i think i like most about the new controller is how different it is and that i think it will change the way games are played.
Lets face it the ps3 and xbox 360 are just graphics updates and nothing more. They are not bringing anything new to the table. in my opinion they are missing the whole point of gaming which is too have fun. I would rather play an awesome revolution game rather than a boring ps3 game because i dont care about graphics as long as i am having fun. Besides it is not like the rev graphics will be horrible or anything.
and the putting it sideways to resemble an NES controller is pretty smart. I am still not sure how they will pull off SSBM revolution but i am sure they will.
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