I don't know what it is about this style of game.
I can tell you I am biased when it comes to square-enix and practically any other company that makes RPG's. I can play through these games even if they are not the upper echelon of the class. I have to finish the game and practically find and destroy everything the game has to offer.
The Weapon bosses in Final Fantasy, finding all the masters in Breath of Fire 3(that was so long ago), get all the keyblades, all weapons, etc, etc. Countless hours that i enjoy. It is almost like the pokemon phenomenon of "Got to catch 'em all!" Which I tried. I failed at that. My friends were not into that but i did not care. I love it.
Will this ever change? Maybe. Its harder with a job and college. Who am I kidding? I love RPG's. I would not give it up for anything.
Hey, I just got a new RPG. Who am I to let money go to waste?