To be frank, I think 3DS is way better than WiiU. If they ever wanted something to compete with Xbox or PS, they're gonna need bigger stick. by means bigger stick. They need better hardware, better graphics, better controller. I mean seriously most of Nintendo's controller is hard to use, either too big or too small, or simply just that "different" from the others. plus enough with the gimmicks, like in the WiiU, I'm pretty sure Xbox one didn't thought about putting a screen in the controller.
But sure, I'll have faith in Nintendo, They made my childhood great with the N64 after all.
This is a great show. I really got related on how they showed me how I got attached to Characters. Well I get attached to things So easily so yeah. got allot of games that I really cared about, EDI, Liara and Shepard from Mass Effect 3. then Serah and Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII. Raiden and Snake in Metal Gear Solid 2 and 4. plus The Boss and Naked Snake from MGS 3. Even as easy as Cole MacGrath's Good ending in Infamous 2 I get attached. well. Also Heavy Rain and Even Cortana's Death in Halo 4.
y'know, Final Fantasy XIII is the fastest FF I've played, guess that's why I liked it so much, but then, I was thinking about that if Square Enix should make a Hack&Slash game of somesort.
kierwinyoung's comments