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kila177anja12o Blog


I don't think I get emblems anymore. I haven't received any from the 24hour, Sopranos, or the Finale Fanfare chats.

I'm back

just went through the queue. took a look at the George Lopez page and saw it didn't have a summary or anything. Since I've been gone a while I'm not sure what happened to it. I'll the staff a few days to bring it back since I'm thinking it's because of an update to the site or something.


For the last few days I have been dropped to Level One or Two. No explanation given. This site is really pissing me off. Until I can get this stuff figured out I am unable to moderate any submissions or fix some problems in the George Lopez guide. 

Submission Problems

Sorry to everyone trying to submit things, but I haven't been able to access my queue to accept any. the staff must be doing work to the site again. I'll go through them as soon as I can.


I'm spending summer in school. All I have to say is that it suxs. 8am - 2pm. 6hrs of homework. Why would anyone invent such a thing? I've only been in it a week. the class material moves fast but the day and hours move so slow.


If anyone reads this and hasn't seen the movie yet; stay until the very end. You have to watch the credits and everything because for those of you out there that think this is the last of the series you may have 2nd thoughts.

The DaVinci Code

So I saw the DaVinci Code the other night and I liked it. I was going to try to read the book before I saw the movie, but was lazy and some friends really wanted to see it. I'm glad I didn't read it. Most of the people who did said they didn't like it, which is understandable.

Ouch! That Hurt

Okay so I became an Editor and I'm surfing to look around for all the new stuff I can do (which isn't much). Well I start reading some blogs of the people who are submitting for NBC's Teachers and I find this:

"I didn't get the teachers guide. Someone floated the guide with quotes! I think they don't match the terms of when they have to memorable, funny or significant! I will do anything to get that guide! I'm sorry for that newbie editor, but I declare war!"

War? Really? I think that's a little harsh. I don't know how I should respond to that. I guess I'm sorry.  Do people on this site really go all out to become editors of shows? Should I retire and just let this guy take it?

Anyway I have to go. I need to go muster up my men and meet this guy on the field of battle. Maybe I'll paint my face blue. It worked for Mel Gibson, well sort of. He did die at the end.

:o :shock:

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