Hey guys. Got an Asus X5QS, 15'6 inch screen with a 1920:1080 resolution although I guess it doesn't make much of a difference setting games at 1366:768... Anyways uhm where was I, Intel Core i7, Nvidia Geforce 555M (2GB) and 6GB of RAM.
I'm quite the specs noob, but what I'm trying to find out is exactly what this thing can handle. Read somewhere it can run Battlefield 3 on high settings which I am very much doubting since this is a laptop we're talking about.. So how does this thing compare to consoles like a 360 and the ps3 (considering it should run just as smooth as those consoles). If you happen to know how it would do with BF3, ME2, GTAIV, Batman: AA/AC, Assassins Creed 2/brotherhood/revelations, all that would help. Tried canyourunit.com but it isn't of much use since optimus is getting in the way.
Also I have not overclocked, I'm rather scared to overheat and mess up the graphics card.
Thanks a lot!
gta IV, both batmans, mass effect 2, and all the assassin's creeds will run well on high or better.
bf3 probably on medium
a console (omitting the xbox 360's bf3 texture pack) plays bf3 on low settings so youve got a one up on them in msot ways and even after you consider the 360's texture pack its still fairly different.
all the other games on that list visually are ALOT better than those on the consoles (though gta IV will be the most subtle of those listed)
you can basically play any recent game on medium or high will msot console games are played on medium or low
Oh wow, I heavily underestimated this thing, I figured even the most expensive of laptops couldn't top a console, let alone this medium-priced one. Thanks a lot for your quick reply, Sounds clear to me. Will be getting BF3 on the 360 regardless, but I took it by example. Batman: Arkham City I will give a try though when that drops for the pc.
Thanks again.
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