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all time greatest villains fail!

Poor seph and Ocelot, they only lost because the xbox fans have a serious amount of hate for everything PS oriented, and apparently everything japanese. They're just jealous that we have better games, and villains.

I'm not going to vote on anything else, except to knock out raam and TR. other than that i'm not voting for this rigged poll


Well the results are in, and trophies are a success. They are a wonderfuly addicting new addition to the playstation experience, and I love it. It is true that xbox came up with the idea first with the achivement system, but that doesn't change the fact that these are excelent ways to get people to buy more games, spend more time on them, and even play them again. (Mine was GTAIV) If you haven't gotten into these trophies yet you should, and if you have, good luck on getting one of those platinum trophies, you'll need it.

Game of the Decade 00' (abbreviated as GoD for future installments)

There are many candidates for the game of the decade. God of War, Gears of War, (any one ever notice that? GOW?) Halo 2, GTA IV. But in the end I believe that the competition has been left in the dust by MGS 4. Not because of game play, which is flawless for both weak and strong players. Not because of the story, which is one of the best in video game history and even beats out most movies(I'm looking at you Rocky Balboa). No, it is because of the groundbreaking experience that has set the bar for all games to come. Never before has game play and story been melded so well, I believe that this is the first TRUE video game-movie. It is so awesome that I didn't care that some of the cut scenes ran for over an hour, but instead I enjoyed it and anticipated it with the excitement that I have only experience while waiting in the movie house to get my ticket. And with the game play being so versatile that I could play from the range of non-lethal sneaking, to powerhouse FPS shooting. I could do it all, and I did. This is a game that I will play over and over again.


Barack Attack!

Lets face it. Barack Obama is going to become our president. So isn't it important that he has a saying for himself? A little way of knowing when he has done something miraculous. Well I have it. It's called a Barack Attack. Now you may ask what constitutes a Barack Attack. It's quite simple really. It is a victory, not just a victory, but a crushing, overwhelming, no doubt in my mind who the better man (or woman, lets try to not be sexist guys) is. It is such an overwhelming defeat that the other person has to COMPLETELY disappear because of the embarrassment. So remember it people and remember it well. Barack Attack, use it, abuse it. And for the love of god if you ever experience a Barack Attack. Shout it out so everyone will know.


nintendo press conference pt2

When he finaly reached the new products I was annoyed. We don't want to hear about the life story of the designer. Games like animal crossing actually tend to alienate hardcore gamers like myself, which explains the half hearted applause. And again nintendo focused on the sales. This is getting to be too much. It should be said to ALL of the system producers to forget about sales and focus on the GAMES. When the games were shown, I was less than impressed. clone wars looked like it could possibly have fun controls, but to have the first lightsaber duels for the wii come from a less then adequate looking film is embarassing. Rayman Raving Rabbids TV party again is a game that has no apeal to the hardcore gammer. That said I was interested in the cod game. the consistancy of the cod franchise makes me hopeful for a good shooter on the wii.

Then that woman came back to talk about the ds. I'm afraid i can't get excited about any game when someone so anoying is showing it off. Guitar hero on tour looks fun, definantly a must for any ds owner. And spore looks good anywhere. A little out of place was the new grand theft auto, a good sign that nintendo is still trying to reach out to the hardcore. The new wii sports really takes control of the wii. I loved the sword fighting. That was what i wanted the most when the wii came out, sword fights. the drumming looked like fun, but the guy presenting it sucked, royaly. I liked the wii music, it fits the system perfectly.

all in all the conference was dull. instead of a focal point on history and sales. It should have been on games. The games that were shown ranged from forgettable to must have. the wii sports and wii music are at the top of that list.

I will be doing a review of the microsoft press conference in a few days.


Nintendo's press conference. pt 1

This will be a quick overview of the nintendo press conference.

First off I couldn't stand that woman at the beginning of the conference. I think that nintendo could have found SOMEONE who was less irritating. That said, the snowboarding game they used to show off the wii fit was spectacular. I especially was broughy in by the comments by that pro snowboarder, Shaun White. It really showd the technology implimented in the sysetem contols.

I was less impressed by nintendos initial comments about games that will sell for long periods of times. I don't really care. If I want a product I will buy it only once. If someone else wants to buy it two years later, they can, but I don't care. It took him altogether too long to get to the actuall games. Sales are great for a bussiness meeting, but is out off place at a place like e3. Which is ment for games and new features. That is what I want to hear about, not an over complicated version of platform stock. This applys to all of the press conferences. I would also like to say that this war has been decided, the wii won, hands down.

pt 2 will be up tommorrow. sry but I gotta sleep sometime.

A real review of the sony press conference.

First off I would like to say that who ever was responsible for the sony press conference failed misersbly and should be ashamed. Now that thats out of the way, lets move on.

If sony has anything down it's presentation. The clips and game footage they played really got me going, granted I learned nothing except that Bioshock was comeing to the ps3 from them, but cool nontheless. I thought that their little history lesson was fine just unnesecairy. If I had really wanted to learn about playstation I would have gone to wikipedia. What I really wanted was the games, and the game trailer. I got that, our first footage of GOW3 (it looks awsome!), that new game MAG(I am intrigged), and ofcourse the potential of little big planet. I thought that was the highlight of the conference. It was really imaginative and cought my attention. If I wanted little big planet before now I need it.

I was a little dissapointed in the lack of new games here, as I am sure many people are, but that seems to be comeing from across the board. My main complaint I guess is that all these companies told us about the games before hand and rather than use E3 as an opener it was only used to give more footage. This is fine when some games do this, but all of them? It can't be fixed now but I hope the game companies hear about my complaints and fix it for next year.

This was my review of the sony conference. I hope you found it more informative than the Gamespot post.8)killakcin8)

final fantasy 13

WHY!!! This is anoying! the ps3 gets so few games to hold over x-box's head. and square enix, one of playstations biggest game contributors, does this. I guss i could understand that they want to reach a broder audience, but lets face it. Final Fantasy only appeals to those that have played it before. No one else knows who squall is, they might know sephiroth or cloud. but those are some rare exceptions. I guss i dhould be laughing rather than crying. It's ranked number one on the x-box, but only number six on the ps3. I supose that shows the quality of game on the x-box hu? be back for more info on this when i get it. 8)killakcin8)

soul caliber

Why isn't soul caliber turning any heads? This is a franchise that tima and time again has proven itself to be among the elites in the gameing world. So why is it that when this soul game hits the next generation thst it only comes as a bump in the road compared to other games. It is absolutly worthy of your attention and it should get it. 8)killakcin8)