I have encountered a new bug that hasn't happened ever before I installed the new Forceware drivers for my CPU (Geforce 6800, 1 GB RAM, 3.2 GHz H/T processor). The video just shuts off and the sounds plays a few seconds... then a minute of silence.. then a few more seconds of sound, then another minute of silence. Also, when I tap Ctrl-Alt-Delete, it takes like 2 minutes for the task manager to pop up... and the computer is VERY slow.. however, when i finally exit the game and it is minimized, everything is clear and fast again...Until I re-enter the game, THEN the bug continues.. What is this?? and how do I avoid this bug?
killer_joel's forum posts
I have encountered a new bug that hasn't happened ever before I installed the new Forceware drivers for my CPU (Geforce 6800, 1 GB RAM, 3.2 GHz H/T processor). The video just shuts off and the sounds plays a few seconds... then a minute of silence.. then a few more seconds of sound, then another minute of silence. Also, when I tap Ctrl-Alt-Delete, it takes like 2 minutes for the task manager to pop up... and the computer is VERY slow.. however, when i finally exit the game and it is minimized, everything is clear and fast again...Until I re-enter the game, THEN the bug continues.. What is this?? and how do I avoid this bug?
I'm experiencing a bug in Oblivion. I loaded an autosave once and i couldnt move. my arms were cut off my body and flying, then i tried to mouse-scroll to see the rest of my body and the game crashed. Also, same thing happened when i picked a chest in a elven ruin. The pick window closed, i got the items, then i was stuck again, arms non-moving and stuck in mid-air. If this has happened to you before, what am I supposed to do or what is causing this problem?
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